I thought that the father of the twins are good person? He looked like a good father and l...

Bernnn June 8, 2021 5:27 am

I thought that the father of the twins are good person? He looked like a good father and looked a happy family last time... I guess I should not judge the book by its cover... Can somebody spoil me why they got divorced?

    zumi June 8, 2021 5:32 am

    So I read the spoiler a while ago so I don't really remember most of it but here's what I can remember

    before the got married the father had a someone he loved. He was then in a political? Marriage with Shananet and he accepted it (forgot why) but he really hates her and the Lombardys although he married her

    zumi June 8, 2021 5:34 am
    So I read the spoiler a while ago so I don't really remember most of it but here's what I can rememberbefore the got married the father had a someone he loved. He was then in a political? Marriage with Shananet... zumi

    Forgot to add

    Since I forgot the spoiler this is just a speculation

    I think they got divorced because maybe Shananet found out he never loved her?

    EnaLikesThis June 8, 2021 5:42 am
    So I read the spoiler a while ago so I don't really remember most of it but here's what I can rememberbefore the got married the father had a someone he loved. He was then in a political? Marriage with Shananet... zumi

    Pft thats it? He'll push a child like some 7 yr old because he didnt get to marry the one he loves? Blame his fucking parents, dont be so fucking immature. Smh. Even his sons are more mature than him.

    Rimrim~ June 8, 2021 6:12 am
    Forgot to addSince I forgot the spoiler this is just a speculationI think they got divorced because maybe Shananet found out he never loved her? zumi

    No, they got divorced bc this man is fucked up. He embezzled money from the Lombardy and has an inferiority complex. This man, no, this animal, then meets his lover at a ball (he is divorced now) and is super happy that he gets to make up a story about how he fell in love with her at first sight at the ball. Anyways, Tia’s aunt realizes that she lost her mother’s pendant or something (was really precious to her) and then later sees that animal had stolen it to give it to his lover. Anyways, Bc of some kind of scheme done by Tia, grandpa is able to see the lover with the pendant on and gets angry and puts the animal and his lover to jail

    zumi June 8, 2021 9:00 am
    No, they got divorced bc this man is fucked up. He embezzled money from the Lombardy and has an inferiority complex. This man, no, this animal, then meets his lover at a ball (he is divorced now) and is super h... Rimrim~

    Ohhhh Okk thanks for the correction

    now he really is just an a**hole now

    Bernnn June 8, 2021 12:00 pm
    No, they got divorced bc this man is fucked up. He embezzled money from the Lombardy and has an inferiority complex. This man, no, this animal, then meets his lover at a ball (he is divorced now) and is super h... Rimrim~

    Omg thankkss