lol no

hannah11223 June 8, 2021 5:10 am

so, a pet peeve of mine is when an author gives a backstory or their own story to a villain character when the villain doesnt deserve it. POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU DIDNT READ THE PREQUEL................................. so! i maybe could have forgiven if he was just violent due to his past and yada yada. it would have been okay if he DID end up only getting violent with 'bad guys' like the uke claims. but thats OBVIOUSLY not true, like wth lmaoo he punched YOU dude hahaha. but more importantly, just b/c he LIKED the male lead in the prequel he legit blackmailed, raped, and abused him. what kind of love is that? i also didnt see any evidence of him getting off on hurting others, he just did it cuz he felt like it (unlike what the summary claims). i will never forgive or forget what he did to the prequels lead. that deserves NO redemption. cuz that lead was not a bad person. all he tried to do was make money for his grandpa/dad(?) cuz he couldnt pay his debts, even if it was selling pictures of himself or pornography. that does not make u a bad person. he took advantage of him in a vulnerable position. thats messed up. and im mad its pretty much kept a secret. idc how messed up your childhood was, theres no excuse for that kind of abuse. and now he gets this happily ever after, looking like a good guy to his family and partner when he's straight TRASH and never even ATTEMPTED to apologize to the dude he supposedly liked. i can deal with toxic, when both characters are a little messed up but he was toxic all on his own. one of the worst possible characters to give redemption to, i swear.

    BeeHive June 8, 2021 6:15 am

    I mean some people read this as separately with the prequel. For example the prequel story isnt my really my type of plot but i enjoy this story so i decided to just ignore the prequel entirely