Wait correct me if i'm wrong but isn't this phedopile? Like yk when the lord held beom whe...

happy ☁ June 8, 2021 4:28 am

Wait correct me if i'm wrong but isn't this phedopile? Like yk when the lord held beom when he was a child, it said at the next panel that he fell in love so like???? And he's sleeping w/ his half brother? Isn't that incest? Omyghzhvd oh well, still gonna read it though tHEY HOOKED ME- !

    Daisuke June 8, 2021 4:35 am

    Idk if the m right either but it looks like he got with the seme through the baby but I might be wrong too

    Daisuke June 8, 2021 4:36 am
    Idk if the m right either but it looks like he got with the seme through the baby but I might be wrong too Daisuke

    If im*

    Lol June 8, 2021 9:09 am

    No, no. What it meant is that he met Beom because of the child. Not beom is the child

    Syubiemeowmy June 8, 2021 5:58 pm

    If u read the synopsis its stated that because his bro need pariah blood he embark a journey to find pariah and then he meet beom a nameless pariah, so lord ahn found beom when hes alr legal enough.. That baby is his brother not beom

    happy ☁ June 9, 2021 6:53 pm
    If u read the synopsis its stated that because his bro need pariah blood he embark a journey to find pariah and then he meet beom a nameless pariah, so lord ahn found beom when hes alr legal enough.. That baby ... Syubiemeowmy

    what a relief... I really thought this story is incest-