This story shows how much of a "made up" society we live in.... the comments are just what...

Storycruncher June 8, 2021 2:38 am

This story shows how much of a "made up" society we live in....
the comments are just what she would hear if she ever went to anyone who is older than her for help.... your child your problem

However, parents should support their matter how old they are...

Does anyone remember when that daiki kid was looking after his younger brother his mom said that I will put down my pride and ask for my parents's not even a thought as a single mother of two kids to be asking for help....when parents should have offered before hand?

Similarly with naruse...that dude just saw his parents do stuff...didn't really think and was like I need to provide..but this poor man just forgot that he also has responsibility to take care of that child as well even if it just ment to talk to his wife...that it took 4 people to take care of his...his parents and grandparents together....but the society was not expecting him to do this right? So he never was only after they divorced did he realise

The mothers in the daycare also are like that they don't want naruse...a man to take care of a child...the simplest reason for it? Why would they remain special when a man can do that as well? It's sooo layered and in hiding that noone really realises that but that is the notion people feel...

A society is not progressive coz women wear small clothes or are fully covered...nor it is progressive when they are 'allowed' to study or choose a carrier option... Or whether they have babies or have no becomes progressive when these parameters don't matter at all....when people done blink or stare at a man being a house husband and a woman being a ceo....

    JoCris June 8, 2021 3:04 am

    I meant to like your comment, but accidently clicked on dislike., Sorry

    Chlory June 8, 2021 3:08 am

    Honestly like a agree but ppl got to realize it’s both of there faults. It’s the mother’s fault for (to me) not looking like she was ready to be a mom. And the fathers fault for not being there fore there his family

    pennyinheaven June 8, 2021 10:48 am
    Honestly like a agree but ppl got to realize it’s both of there faults. It’s the mother’s fault for (to me) not looking like she was ready to be a mom. And the fathers fault for not being there fore there... Chlory

    Depression is an illness. Whether she prepared or not it will happen. There's a difference with depression and abuse/unpreparedness. There are mothers out there that are truly shit because they weren't prepared or got accidently knocked up. While there are those who doesn't understand what is happening to them but they just couldn't handle the child or there's a feeling of helplessness or loss they don't know where it came from.

    Naruse didn't also mean what he did. He's just doing what he thought was right. No one is really at fault. It's society's fault and psychology. Depression just happens at a random, new mom or not. It's no different, heck, from covid.

    pennyinheaven June 8, 2021 10:51 am

    Sad part really is that she didn't get any parent or in-laws help. And even worse, she might have been pressured to do so well as a housewife. All of that stress might have contributed and make matters worse on the onset of her depression. Nothing can really be helped, even if Naruse was a helpful husband or not.

    Chlory June 8, 2021 11:38 am
    Sad part really is that she didn't get any parent or in-laws help. And even worse, she might have been pressured to do so well as a housewife. All of that stress might have contributed and make matters worse on... pennyinheaven

    Yes I feel bad fo both of them

    Storycruncher June 8, 2021 9:13 pm
    Honestly like a agree but ppl got to realize it’s both of there faults. It’s the mother’s fault for (to me) not looking like she was ready to be a mom. And the fathers fault for not being there fore there... Chlory

    So from what you are saying...I do agree to certain degree....but for both of them...the lady thought it was going to be a good fairytale life with naruse coz he is a perfect man (very very very dangerous perspective to look at life...noone' s perfect)

    Naruse also had a wrapped impression of what a family is and what roles parents play and how difficult adulthood plus parenthood combo can be....he also thought he had a perfect wife