its up to interpretation but yes thats what I think happened. I heard in the novel it was out right rape but in the manwa she didnt actually want to do it with him but he forced her mentally.
I just wwanted to see if this manwa had the same setting of foriving her murder/rapist cause its convient. No hate just would rather not enjoy forgiving criminals

Either way she wasn't happy with it and it was forced mentally. He literally pinned her on the desk and said something along the lines of "if you want to have a baby, I'll give it to you now." She mentally abused by him to the point she can't even say no properly. It's still rape. And when he got her pregnant, he killed her baby because he pushed her to the floor.

firstly dont take this response as I disregard your comment but to me he mentally manipulated her into doing it with him. Its up to interpretation but I find after everything he did to her and the fact that she still liked him, he used that against her. Thats not consent. He mentally backed her into a corner as she liked him and he knew that and used it. I call that rape as what he did to her felt very non-consent.
I actually did not think about the fact that the duke could have made her have a miscarriage, so good point. However I dont feel like their is strong enough evidence that he gave her a poison for the miscarriage that didnt give her any side effects. She stated she might haave been overly dramatic about how the prince was humilating her when she found out she might have been poisoned in her last life, so she thought that it was a side effect.
Anyway what Im trying to say is the timeings dont match up and the prince could easily cause the pregnant Tia to have a break down which can defifinitly happen if the babies kid acts like such a prick to the mother.
Anyway this manwa was not a vibe and dealt with abuse horribly and also trauma badly, not to mention other things. Dont take this the wrong way the artist got talent

The duke poisoned both the ruve and tia, long before she got pregnant. It was partly confirmed in the manhwa and fully confirmed in the novel. You might feel like it was rape, but the truth is that both of them gave consent, whether that was consent because they wanted to or because they were coerced, is a whole other issue.
Now, just for clarification, the poison made the prince (now the emperor), susceptible to suggestions from the bad duke, and he thought that Tia was a nasty woman who wanted a son from him just for power, but he still loved her as much as he could even with the influence of the poison. The poison used for Tia was a strong one, that could cause miscarriage, infertility, and strong fluctuations of emotion (mood swings). Despite all that she also loved Ruve. The only reason she did not end up infertile in the second timeline is because of the blessings from the priest, which made the poison less useful.
So yes, the timing does make sense and more importantly: Ruve did not push her to the ground, the manhwa looks weird but the novel explains it well enough.
And yes I agree with you, the artist is very talented, and don't take this comment as me being a bitch, I'm just trying to get the problem clarified hahhaa

you made good points and to be honest its hard for me too stomach reading it again just to double check things so your probably right. But I will say when u said he still loved her as much as he could even with the influence of the poison, he didnt love her at all.
I doi beleive he loved her in the 2nd timeline even if I hated the way he showed it. But the first timeline not a single instance does it show anywhere that he loved her or even liked her a bit. I feel like people who love this story are trying to defend his actions by saying he was in love with her ( you might not be defending his actions by saying this) but if he loved her he would Certainly not ask her to do it with him after all the torture he has put her through. I dont think it was to humiliate her but if he really did it because he loved her than thats the most selfish thing I have ever heard of.
He knows what he did to her and now wants to do it because he loves her, its not even about if she lets him, its about him as a person who chose to do it. If its the drug than how does it work than cause I thought the Duke was telling him how awful she was so if it was only the drug speaking he would not have have done it.
Anyway i dont think people shouldnt like this manwa but a lot of people dont like to see the bad parts and talk about it. I love this manwa, the dilemmas, the way it slowly builds over time. Just because I hate the way the artist did not do nearly enough realistic job with her trauma and how disappointed i am in the developmet of the relationship with Tia and Ruve does not mean I am an anti-fan. I just want a slow burn relationship between Ruve and Tia and maybe have her trauma have more impact on the story overall.
should i read this. i heard its like the abandoned empress and id rather not like to see mc forgiver her rapist.
so like is this one actually good.