I mean this manga is entirely warping of myths and inaccurate but ok. GayHibiscus
lol "inaccurate" its using egyptian mythological figures to tell its own story, its not an adaptation or a book report. these stories themselves arent based in some kind of provable fact as historical record. they are fantasy to us now as much as this webtoon is.
lol "inaccurate" its using egyptian mythological figures to tell its own story, its not an adaptation or a book report. these stories themselves arent based in some kind of provable fact as historical record. t... Tai
Yep. Rather than a faithful adaptation, it's more of a reboot (retelling, reinterpretation...).
lol "inaccurate" its using egyptian mythological figures to tell its own story, its not an adaptation or a book report. these stories themselves arent based in some kind of provable fact as historical record. t... Tai
ok but the point is naming your dog Osiris has nothing to do with this manga portraying that god as rapist, weirdo.
I named my cats Isis and Horus, I'm just glad I didn't name one of them Osiris cause I would feel bad after reading this lol