Does anyone can pls tell me who is uke when mookyul and the damn perverted old geezer get ...

guerreras magicas July 5, 2016 12:02 pm

Does anyone can pls tell me who is uke when mookyul and the damn perverted old geezer get to getter... and if they keep it the same even after all mookyul went thru to stop pls explain...

I just really wish is what I think ..... pls illuminated me what good news pls....


    BlackYuki July 5, 2016 12:35 pm

    It's Mookyul. Honestly, this manhwa is beautifully twisted. It also creeps me out thag he's sleeping with his father (for whatever reason it may be) while sleeping with the mc.

    guerreras magicas July 5, 2016 10:21 pm

    Oh nooooooo this seriously makes me cry ... so no matter what if he is able to be uke for him and didn't want to leave him that bad. Does the main he actually love him... and this really sucks... am actually crying now..

    This is a really sad Manga.. I always try not to read it but I have read it for the 4 time and is always the same.. so sad ..... I hate it

    guerreras magicas July 5, 2016 10:22 pm

    Thanks for the reply... ;)

    BlackYuki July 7, 2016 5:14 am

    Mookyul is actually treating his step-father and his intercourse a business dealing. His father is a bit of a twisted control freak you know. But Mookyul is seriously in love with Ewon. It just came a bit of a shock to Ewon, I mean who wouldn't be shocked right?

    guerreras magicas July 7, 2016 5:40 am

    Right... :) .... thanks very much ... you are the light in this Manga for me I feel much better with your explanation about this story . Thanks so much ;)

    sweetpotato July 8, 2016 2:53 pm

    Mookyul is a 'seke' he is an uke to the President and he is seme to Ewon...
    here is the prequel :

    guerreras magicas July 8, 2016 9:55 pm

    Am sorry but still makes me sad ... if he can be uke only for him the really means he love him ....mmmm....I don't know but it does not make me happy

    Ibara July 23, 2016 10:57 pm
    Am sorry but still makes me sad ... if he can be uke only for him the really means he love him ....mmmm....I don't know but it does not make me happy guerreras magicas

    Don't worry buddy am the same...(▰˘◡˘▰)that old man seriously make me irritated to the point that i avoided reading pages when his in it..first i thought it was just some upper course but after some research.... it was a total physical relationship and then I thought r not they equal u r providing him a good life in return u r taking his body then why ware a fake mask of "ideal father" for god sake it really make me so sad!!!!ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    guerreras magicas July 23, 2016 11:59 pm
    Don't worry buddy am the same...(▰˘◡˘▰)that old man seriously make me irritated to the point that i avoided reading pages when his in it..first i thought it was just some upper course but after some res... Ibara

    Thanks I feel better knowing am not the only one who thinks this way ... thanks ;)