The rape with the seme REALLY did not need to happen. Like I understand that the uke was v...

Le-Level Up! June 7, 2021 9:14 am

The rape with the seme REALLY did not need to happen. Like I understand that the uke was violated by that other dude so it could be a catalyst for the story to progress, but for that bitch to get forgiveness??? Fuck that he should be in jail. What he did was a fucking disgrace. ヽ(`д´;)/
Really could have done something with how the plot developed but ugh too much focus on how sex always gives gay ppl happiness supposedly ( ° ʖ °)

    Quicksilver June 14, 2021 2:01 pm

    it's up to the author what's necessary and unnecessary, not you. the nerve.

    Le-Level Up! June 14, 2021 9:57 pm
    it's up to the author what's necessary and unnecessary, not you. the nerve. Quicksilver

    Wow the nerve to give my opinion on a public forum about a public topic. Gosh please forgive my audacity, I repent for my sins. Am I attacking the author? I am describing my displeasure on one work, if you assume that says everything about how the author makes their stories then the one insulting them here is you not me. Ha, seriously.

    Quicksilver June 15, 2021 6:00 am
    Wow the nerve to give my opinion on a public forum about a public topic. Gosh please forgive my audacity, I repent for my sins. Am I attacking the author? I am describing my displeasure on one work, if you assu... Le-Level Up!

    Oh please! you're insulting the author to the nines saying that you think the rape wasn't necessary. The author's work isn't a smorgasbord where you can pick the ingredients you like. It's a work of art, to be appreciated as a whole. again, it's not up to you what's necessary. what the hell do you know about professional writing that you'd have the nerve to say an element in a plot that was used as a way of consolidating the storyline is not valid?

    Quicksilver June 15, 2021 6:03 am
    Wow the nerve to give my opinion on a public forum about a public topic. Gosh please forgive my audacity, I repent for my sins. Am I attacking the author? I am describing my displeasure on one work, if you assu... Le-Level Up!

    and sex does bring people a great deal of happiness! In a relationship where there's love and intimacy, sex is an amazing way of increasing love and intimacy. If you don't know that, why are you even reading these stories?

    Le-Level Up! June 15, 2021 11:11 am
    Oh please! you're insulting the author to the nines saying that you think the rape wasn't necessary. The author's work isn't a smorgasbord where you can pick the ingredients you like. It's a work of art, to ... Quicksilver

    You can pick things you like and things you don't out of stories niña, the world of art is subjective and complicated. You'd imagine a person would AT THE LEAST know that. Yeah I'm not a professional writer, but a lot of the people who make BL aren't either, so I don't even know WHY you brought that point up. Sex can make a person happy, but i meant in BLs its like a magical cure where everything is forgiven the moment they bang. I'm positive you've read enough content to realize this. I get it, maybe you think of yourself as some defender of the arts but claiming a subjective opinion is invalid in accounts of feelings is simply naive. People are allowed to have opinions which differ from yours. I did not insult the author, you're making out my words to be an insult.

    Quicksilver June 15, 2021 2:19 pm
    You can pick things you like and things you don't out of stories niña, the world of art is subjective and complicated. You'd imagine a person would AT THE LEAST know that. Yeah I'm not a professional writer, b... Le-Level Up!

    you're talking to an artist and writer. please don't call me nina. I don't even know this standardized reduction of the romance plot that you're talking about. the authors of yaoi know more about writing than you might think. I see them using techniques and elements that would be invisible to a non writer. I've never seen sex or rape used as a cure all. You call it banging. At the very beginning of falling in love the sex is is almost magical in RL. that's what you're seeing imo, not banging. I never said feelings didn't come into an opinion. that's valid. my problem is with the enormous group of younger fans who start out thinking rape in a story is not up to the author but to them. they come off like spoiled children who want to be catered to. Appreciating the work as a whole is a big part of enjoying it. coming into it with a head full of steam over rape in advance of even reading the story invalidates the criticism. I've never seen a true to life brutal rape at knifepoint by a stranger who breaks in in the middle of the night, where the victim is in fear of their life every moment, where the rapist has to hurt the victim to force them, or one where the rapist confronts a woman in a dark park with a gun to her head, kidnapping, or a car with her child in the back seat. I just don't see that kind of brutality in yaoi with very few exceptions. People who pin that kind of rape to a yaoi plot are ridiculous
    I'm defending myself as an artist, belittling that isn't appreciated. You're not going to find too many artists or writers who would like what people here are doing when they brutalize the whole industry with their rudeness

    Quicksilver June 15, 2021 2:22 pm
    You can pick things you like and things you don't out of stories niña, the world of art is subjective and complicated. You'd imagine a person would AT THE LEAST know that. Yeah I'm not a professional writer, b... Le-Level Up!

    maybe you could be so kind as to let in some fresh air, open a window, level up on your attitude. that's not meant unkindly. a lot of people would like the genre more, I think, if they tried to learn some new things about it. there's always a new level of sophistication one can reach. no one knows it all

    Le-Level Up! June 15, 2021 4:05 pm
    maybe you could be so kind as to let in some fresh air, open a window, level up on your attitude. that's not meant unkindly. a lot of people would like the genre more, I think, if they tried to learn some new... Quicksilver

    Listen darling, I understand the difference between fiction and reality, I stated my opinion without malicious intent because in my eyes the scene was not actually necessary. Could have easily been consensual, yet still have him develop internal conflict. You quite literally attacked my opinion simply because it doesn't fit yours. Or maybe you didn't mean it but you sounded aggressively rude. Okay you think the scene does have heavy weight to the plot, cool I don't care I've read plenty of BL where one character is raped by the other and even in worse situations. What I care about here is the fact that you attack me, I defend myself, and suddenly you're a saint protecting authors. Maybe if you wrote things in a nicer manner things would be a lot different. It won't make you lose brain cells.

    Quicksilver June 15, 2021 10:07 pm
    Listen darling, I understand the difference between fiction and reality, I stated my opinion without malicious intent because in my eyes the scene was not actually necessary. Could have easily been consensual, ... Le-Level Up!

    When you write the story, you can puritanize and sanitize it all you want. In this story, it's up to the author. Obviously. People talk plot this character development that. they really have no clue what they're talking about. that's annoying, and when they go further into rewriting the story in their comment, I'm just finding that irritating from people who know nothing about writing. It's a lot harder than it looks from the outside where people rudely poke holes in it and pick it apart. Fans were tons more respectful a few years ago. the new rude brutish people are a stark contrast, and it's beyond what anyone should have to put up with. no manners, no ethics. I've been saying the same thing straight through, I'm sorry if I didn't write it clearly enough.
    and I don't see how she was going send a message about rape, without rape. if they just fall into bed like, lalalala, we're so happy, there's no theme.
    I guess you don't see yourself as saying something that offended me.

    Quicksilver June 15, 2021 10:20 pm
    Listen darling, I understand the difference between fiction and reality, I stated my opinion without malicious intent because in my eyes the scene was not actually necessary. Could have easily been consensual, ... Le-Level Up!

    all I'm saying is that when you make a condescending remark that ends with an endearment, it's like "poor little stupid nina (or darling)," you're going to hear me being more and more offended in turn. like this, "You can pick things you like and things you don't out of stories niña" that sounds pretty harsh to me.

    Quicksilver June 15, 2021 10:21 pm
    Listen darling, I understand the difference between fiction and reality, I stated my opinion without malicious intent because in my eyes the scene was not actually necessary. Could have easily been consensual, ... Le-Level Up!

    Are you a fan of Solo Leveling?

    Le-Level Up! June 16, 2021 3:56 am
    Are you a fan of Solo Leveling? Quicksilver

    Yep it's a good one, been looking for something similar with OP MCs, but not like...OP and naive ya know?
    Also I was offended so I said something back, tit for tat sabes? I'll be nice and say sorry first, things got out of control lol my bad girl. Or dude. Or person. Sorry

    Quicksilver June 16, 2021 4:38 am

    okay, I'm saying sorry second. now we're good.. OP meaning... Overpowered?

    Le-Level Up! June 16, 2021 5:38 am
    okay, I'm saying sorry second. now we're good.. OP meaning... Overpowered? Quicksilver

    Yeah like, they are super powerful and smart so they're able to beat their enemies with their talents. Usually an underdog trope, with them gaining a power that allows them to surpass everyone. These stories are fun bc something like that rarely every happens irl.

    Myae June 16, 2021 5:37 pm

    Your arguments slash opinions are quite fun to read, very entertaining. ≧∇≦

    Le-Level Up! June 16, 2021 6:15 pm
    Your arguments slash opinions are quite fun to read, very entertaining. ≧∇≦ Myae

    Mine or theirs? Cuz like I like to think I'm funny but I could be wrong ya know ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Myae June 16, 2021 7:02 pm
    Mine or theirs? Cuz like I like to think I'm funny but I could be wrong ya know ヾ(☆▽☆) Le-Level Up!

    Yes, yours ~(≧▽≦)/~

    Le-Level Up! June 16, 2021 7:10 pm
    Yes, yours ~(≧▽≦)/~ Myae

    Heck yeah, point for me. ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*

    Quicksilver June 16, 2021 11:49 pm

    pfft what about mine??

    Quicksilver June 17, 2021 2:28 am
    Heck yeah, point for me. ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ* Le-Level Up!

    yeah, you weren't funny at all so don't gloat. the commenter is just rude