I made the cover my pfp in discord once since I thought the art looked really nice and my ...

Jubaki June 7, 2021 8:47 am

I made the cover my pfp in discord once since I thought the art looked really nice and my friend recognized it. I was so embarassed that she knows I read stuff like this now so I suffer at that memory whenever I see the cover.
Since I've found it again might as well read the other chaps lol

    cobrakai1972 June 7, 2021 8:58 am

    lmaooo that is pretty embarrassing but doesnt that mean your friend also reads this kinda stuff if she knew where its from?

    Jubaki June 7, 2021 9:05 am
    lmaooo that is pretty embarrassing but doesnt that mean your friend also reads this kinda stuff if she knew where its from? cobrakai1972

    nahh I doubt it, she said that she doesn't like reading or seeing sexual stuff and to me she doesn't seem like she's lying, she can handle vanilla tho.
    Idk what she was doing at nhen tho, she said that's where she found this and she read it cuz the cover was my pfp

    cobrakai1972 June 7, 2021 9:14 am
    nahh I doubt it, she said that she doesn't like reading or seeing sexual stuff and to me she doesn't seem like she's lying, she can handle vanilla tho.Idk what she was doing at nhen tho, she said that's where s... Jubaki

    oh I see, what were her thoughts on it? did she like shame you for reading it? also sorry if im asking too much

    Jubaki June 7, 2021 9:27 am
    oh I see, what were her thoughts on it? did she like shame you for reading it? also sorry if im asking too much cobrakai1972

    Nah~ you're not asking too much it's fine
    She didn't say anything bad about it, she just said she found out where it came from and the rest was me being embarrassed and asking what site she saw it on lol

    Eggu_chan June 14, 2021 11:27 am
    nahh I doubt it, she said that she doesn't like reading or seeing sexual stuff and to me she doesn't seem like she's lying, she can handle vanilla tho.Idk what she was doing at nhen tho, she said that's where s... Jubaki

    Nhen? No self proclaimed vannila fan would admit to going on a hentai site! Inpossible.

    Jubaki June 14, 2021 11:54 am
    Nhen? No self proclaimed vannila fan would admit to going on a hentai site! Inpossible. Eggu_chan

    Ok she just told me she's a fujo-?? Idk if my memory is wrong but she said she never said she doesn't like yaoi. I clearly remember asking if she was one but that was around the time when we were still unfamiliar with each other so maybe she was just hiding it for the first impressions
    And as for her being a vanilla fan- I don't know, I don't wanna ask...it would be weird to ask

    Eggu_chan June 14, 2021 1:17 pm
    Ok she just told me she's a fujo-?? Idk if my memory is wrong but she said she never said she doesn't like yaoi. I clearly remember asking if she was one but that was around the time when we were still unfamili... Jubaki

    Tbh, me being a fujo would be a secret i'll take to my grave...only 4 people irl know this, my 2 HS friends, my cousin(looked at my history) and my dad(accidentally saw me drawing VictorxYuri shame)

    GidCano June 14, 2021 6:23 pm
    Tbh, me being a fujo would be a secret i'll take to my grave...only 4 people irl know this, my 2 HS friends, my cousin(looked at my history) and my dad(accidentally saw me drawing VictorxYuri shame) Eggu_chan

    Lol.but how did your dad know it was yuri and victor eeeee

    Eggu_chan June 14, 2021 9:07 pm
    Lol.but how did your dad know it was yuri and victor eeeee GidCano

    He didn't know, all he knows was that i was drawing two gay bois being all lovey dovey

    GidCano June 15, 2021 5:01 am
    He didn't know, all he knows was that i was drawing two gay bois being all lovey dovey Eggu_chan

    XD no offense

    Jubaki June 15, 2021 5:02 am
    Tbh, me being a fujo would be a secret i'll take to my grave...only 4 people irl know this, my 2 HS friends, my cousin(looked at my history) and my dad(accidentally saw me drawing VictorxYuri shame) Eggu_chan

    Same here, it's kinda shameful for me to say, that's why I got so embarassed when she knew ;w;