I know this is super late, but it just depends on who's translations get uploaded really. You'll get unlucky with a bad group or get the ever lasting luck of a phenomenal translating group. So you pretty much cross your fingers and hope it's the good one...
I know this is super late, but it just depends on who's translations get uploaded really. You'll get unlucky with a bad group or get the ever lasting luck of a phenomenal translating group. So you pretty much c... demon13o
I still didn't read it so it wasn't late, thank you. And yes, you're right. But i asked since changes in groups happen quite a lot and this could be one of those cases.
Does the translation get better?
It's hard to understand the specifics of the story...
If it doesn't, then I will drop it.
It's chinese, so it will probably drag on forever. It's one thing if I can understand it, if not it's definitely not worth it...