Lmao did you know yiu are allowed to criticize stuff based on your opinion?? Must be hard for you to like everything you come across because you aren't allowed to hate it cuz you don't know how to make it.
Do you have songs you hate?? Nope you don't cuz you can't make them, thus you can't criticize.
You don't like some dishes? You are a hypocrite cuz you can't cook anything.
Clothes you don't like to wear? Well, you can't produce them, so you can wear just about anything cuz you like everything.
This is how you sound.

I didn't particularly dislike the art, though it's pretty average. The story didn't make it for me tho, i think they just started to love each other just out of the blue and the past love isn't enough justification for instantaneous supposed chemistry in my book. Their characters felt a lil bidimensional too, like being madly in love is a character trait...
The story was okay but the art sucked ass. I was almost unable to continue reading cuz I felt I had to bleach my eyes every time I looked at a panel cuz the art sucked.