Spoilers from novelspoilers:
Mikhail was imprisoned, and when he was regretting everything Max comes to visit him and gives him the poition and says it’s a potion that makes him forget everything. Apparently, Juvel said she will give him another chance and that he can go and live with his family happily only if he forgets everything, Juvel was feeling kinda guilty and thought that it was somehow her fault that he turned out like this. Mikhail says no way and that he doesn’t want to forget his memories with Juvel so Max kills him, he was going to kill him whether he drinks the potion or not. He told Juvel that Milkhail did drink the potion and is now living somewhere quietly so that Juvel won't worry because even if Mikhaik was a wicked man Juvel would cry for him and Max didn’t want her to cry for another man so he just told her that Mikhail’s fine.
What will happen to her ex? Spoilers?