The fan service is a little much

Grokblin June 5, 2021 8:44 pm

I get that fanservice is normal but I think this is a little much. How am I supposed to care when they are having a serious moment if the entire time some girls tits are shoved in my face. The MC looks like he is supposed to be chaste and faithful to his wife but it's hard not to think he is a pervert if the manga keeps making it look like he is always staring at girls chests. On another note why are all the girls so unreasonable? I hate almost all the girls bc of how pushy they are.

I dunno, I understand that this is the norm but I'm honestly sick of it at this point. Anyways if you are looking for a softcore porn manga to read this will be good. The story is pretty interesting but it feels like it keeps getting interrupted to show off all the girls chests.

Also most of the guys are low key gay for the MC. If only there was a big buff guy so the manga could also show off his big man tits xD.

    BrandedEmblem July 12, 2021 12:09 am

    Well I heard that Dariel is meant to be perverted cause he is like that in the novel.