I'm going to be the villain here, but thats fine, I just want to point out a simple fact. ...

Slappybones13 June 5, 2021 4:03 pm

I'm going to be the villain here, but thats fine, I just want to point out a simple fact. A lot of comments are posting false hysteria about this saying that the publishers will quit making this manga if it keeps appearing on here. Guess what guys, it completely a couple of years ago, there's only 3 volumes. Now if there's true threats about On and Off, by all means, report... Now before you attack me, release how I did not state an opinion and just pointed out a simple fact.

    funkhouser June 5, 2021 4:16 pm

    I don't even know where that one came from. It's like people just heard this one-sided rumor and started spreading it all over the place without even fact checking first. I'll believe it when they present real evidence to this claim. So tired of the drama...

    SayerSong June 5, 2021 4:18 pm

    Okay. Thanks for the clarification.

    Poop-san June 5, 2021 4:52 pm

    Agree that's why I'm so confused while reading the comment lol they should comment on ... On or off manhwa why here tho...

    blank June 5, 2021 4:54 pm

    I think that along the way people might’ve twisted the information along the way. From what I know, I haven’t heard anything about the the first comment on the discontinuation of this series. I have however heard from the scan group who have mentioned on their discord server that during an interaction with the author, the author said that if m*ngago refuses to take down the series from their site, then the author might go as far as to discontinue On or Off.

    Poop-san June 5, 2021 4:57 pm
    I think that along the way people might’ve twisted the information along the way. From what I know, I haven’t heard anything about the the first comment on the discontinuation of this series. I have however... blank

    Ohhh not the manhwa ... Shet im so dumb ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    funkhouser June 5, 2021 5:19 pm
    I think that along the way people might’ve twisted the information along the way. From what I know, I haven’t heard anything about the the first comment on the discontinuation of this series. I have however... blank

    Did they show you any proof of that talk? Screenshots of their convos, emails, anything?

    SayerSong June 5, 2021 5:40 pm
    Agree that's why I'm so confused while reading the comment lol they should comment on ... On or off manhwa why here tho... Poop-san

    The previous translators stated that the author of On or Off (who is also the author of this manga), found out that this manga was being posted here and demanded it be stopped. They were told they were not to post anymore, but one person talked to the scan team and agreed to finish the 2nd volume, but not to post the third. The team then also stated that no one else was allowed to pick it up either, as the author apparently threatened to stop publishing. Can't remember if they specifically stated On or Off, but I think they did. Anyway, no, there was no emails or screenshots provided (as someone else in the replies asked), so not sure where the proof of the threats were, but that is how it came up with On or Off being mentioned in the comments for this manga. Since, as mentioned before, they are by the same author.

    I think the original scanlation team is also worried that they will get blamed and sued if this manga keeps appearing here, even if it is another group that picks it up.

    SayerSong June 5, 2021 5:40 pm
    Did they show you any proof of that talk? Screenshots of their convos, emails, anything? funkhouser

    Not thus far as I am aware.

    SayerSong June 5, 2021 5:42 pm
    Did they show you any proof of that talk? Screenshots of their convos, emails, anything? funkhouser

    Granted, there may be proof on their Discord server....

    SincrScanlations June 5, 2021 6:02 pm

    They were referring to the possible discontinuation of On or Off not this manga. Although it could also stop any future to this manga as well.

    Slappybones13 June 5, 2021 6:26 pm

    The original scan team cannot stop someone from doing something. That's infringing on someone's free will. They can however ask them, encourage, or try to prevent them. Plus another team can post it elsewhere and manga*go's bots can automatically rip it from there. Theres many factors. Theres also the saying "don't cut off your nose to spite your face" . Why would they cancel a wildly popular current manhwa thats drawing in $ over a fan scanulation of a completed one from years ago?

    Removed June 5, 2021 6:44 pm
    The original scan team cannot stop someone from doing something. That's infringing on someone's free will. They can however ask them, encourage, or try to prevent them. Plus another team can post it elsewhere ... Slappybones13

    Newsflash... The author nor the publisher is making any money with it being posted here. The publisher made the request and the scan team complied. Stop making assumptions.

    Removed June 5, 2021 6:46 pm

    If the new team wants to keep going... They can the original team just want their chapters removed bottom line.

    SayerSong June 5, 2021 8:30 pm
    The original scan team cannot stop someone from doing something. That's infringing on someone's free will. They can however ask them, encourage, or try to prevent them. Plus another team can post it elsewhere ... Slappybones13

    It could be a result of the loop that everyone has been thrown for since the pandemic started. With so many people having had to work from home or not at all for the last 2 years, it is very possible that they are NOT making big bucks at the moment. That may be why some works have been put on hiatus, some authors/publishers are cracking down harder than normal on unauthorized scanlations and some authors are either giving permission to upload (or in the case of Faked, uploading themselves) their stories to sites like this (to try to get more interest garnered in their work).

    No, that is NOT saying this IS the case. Just that there may be a very real and plausible reason for the threat and it may be one that they ARE willing to see through. After all, big projects that had been set to make millions have been cancelled for less solid reasons than that. *cough* FEZ 2 *cough*

    All it takes is one perceived insult or small slight (legal or illegal) to cause someone to throw it all away, sometimes. And this, while it may seem small to us, may be (and probably IS) a HUGE deal to the publisher and author.

    Mikiten June 5, 2021 9:00 pm
    It could be a result of the loop that everyone has been thrown for since the pandemic started. With so many people having had to work from home or not at all for the last 2 years, it is very possible that they ... SayerSong

    I think so, too. It could also be, that the publisher and author want to do something with this manga (new edition or official translation) so they want this to be removed. I think it could be that, because they specifically ask for this work to be removed not On or Off. In general I don’t understand why people can’t comply to the authors wishes. If we don’t we might not get any more work from them and that would be very sad.

    Slappybones13 June 5, 2021 9:00 pm
    Newsflash... The author nor the publisher is making any money with it being posted here. The publisher made the request and the scan team complied. Stop making assumptions. Removed

    Wow! I had no idea they didn't make money from their work being posted on an illegal site. That concept is totally new to me. Please sense my sarcasm. You're the one assuming here. The talk is that they are going to stop putting out On and Off in t*ppyt**n where they do make money. It would be fiscally ridiculous for them to stop a successful publication over a completed one.

    SayerSong June 5, 2021 9:21 pm
    Wow! I had no idea they didn't make money from their work being posted on an illegal site. That concept is totally new to me. Please sense my sarcasm. You're the one assuming here. The talk is that they are goi... Slappybones13

    From what I understood of what was said to the original scanlation team (and they can correct me if I am wrong), I THINK, that they weren't threatening to cancel it on t*ppyt**n, but stopping publication, period. In other words, they are threatening to cancel the entire series.

    Mikiten June 5, 2021 9:44 pm
    Wow! I had no idea they didn't make money from their work being posted on an illegal site. That concept is totally new to me. Please sense my sarcasm. You're the one assuming here. The talk is that they are goi... Slappybones13

    I don’t know...it seems the author is upset. For us it might not make much sense to stop all their work for this but maybe there is a plausible reason to it that we just don’t know about. The author could be very emotional about something and this could be causing them to just stop their work entirely.

    funkhouser June 5, 2021 9:51 pm

    Okay but has anyone here besides the scans team even seen a personal or official statement from the author or publisher? I joined their server since they stopped posting on this site but i have seen neither them show any of their convos with the author/publisher nor anyone ask for proof. It's always what we hear one-sidedly from the scans team and we just assume it's a fact because "they say so". I'm not saying the scans team is lying but if you want to build credibility and make people trust you, at least show us something that's credible.

    Mikiten June 5, 2021 10:02 pm
    Okay but has anyone here besides the scans team even seen a personal or official statement from the author or publisher? I joined their server since they stopped posting on this site but i have seen neither the... funkhouser

    Didn’t they mention possible legal actions the author and publisher want to take? If so than sharing personal Mails between them wouldn’t be a smart move. I guess they could keep that private because of that.