Lol I sooooooo mad when takemichy go all around with other things when he knows who is the...

ley June 5, 2021 10:01 am

Lol I sooooooo mad when takemichy go all around with other things when he knows who is the enemy. Ok we all know right from the start. FROM THE START THAT KISAKI THE ENEMY. So why after that he go all around with others things

Yeah I know that soo many trouble happen. YES. but can't you see???? That the root of ALL THE PROBLEMS IS KISAKI???? FROM THE START MAAAAAN. JUST KILL HIM ALREADY. THEY SHOW US FROM THE START WHO IS THE SHADOW BEHIND ALL THE TROUBLES. STILL!!! HE DON'T KILL HIM? LOL. If I were him ill kill KISAKI right over after over and over I go to the past. All the problems exist because of KISAKI. He's the one behind it all this time. Why are they so dumb??????????.

This dumb really make me wanna drop it
