Yes, many women are already shamed for these fantasies which is not okay. It’s very common and women can read these fantasies without seeing it as healthy or normalizing it. It comes down to age/maturity level which mangago should not even be allowed.
In terms of these stories, culture is also a factor since they are made in East Asia.

1 fantasies are different. This is literally trying to pass this behaviour off as acceptable.
2 I am not shaming anyone.
3 I'm not spamming.
4 it's exactly BECAUSE it's the excuse that 'oh it's East Asia so it's different' that is the problem because that culture is literally. Rape. Culture. That's the whole point of why this is problematic.

1. This is a fantasy story. Nobody is passing rape as excusable? You’re illegally reading a story that is meant to be payed for and read by mature audiences. People who have rape fantasies don’t think rape is excusable in real life.
2. You seemed to be shaming other people in your other comment you made for another story.
3. I am not going to argue if you’re spamming but but the repetitive behavior and comments strike me as spamming.
4. Don’t ever put words in my mouth. And East Asia is not “rape culture.” Their culture is way more and rape culture has nothing to do with stories that contain rape fantasies.

Let me make it more clear on what I meant. I had issue with the “East Asia is rape culture.” Rape culture does exist in East Asia of course but it exists everywhere. Rape culture is heavily based on slut shaming, victim shaming and is basically a culture where people who rape are able to rape over and over again. It’s especially based on people of power being able to take advantage of people they sexually harass because it’s normalized.
It’s not based on fetishes/kinks of women as studies show that these personal kinks and fetishes don’t contribute to rape culture and are perfectly healthy. There is a lot of good information online about this. A lot of these erotic mangas/books that contain rape are meant for women who have these fetishes but that doesn’t mean having rape fantasies/kinks means that it’s a contributor. Mature audiences (what this is meant for) are more likely to read these stories and not normalize or romanticize rape. The issue is with younger audiences, which these mangas and books are not meant for.
I really want to like this.
I really do. But Martel is literally forcing Louis despite him begging him not to.
And in front of the reporters?
It's degrading, humiliating and it isn't consensual.
It was date rape the first time.
It's been coercion every other time and I'm SICK of these stories normalizing abuse and rape.
Guys, this is not healthy and it fucking sucks.
Martel is going to push Louis to a breaking point and then 'lose' him and feel guilty but the truth is he sees NOTHING wrong with what he's doing.
They'll make up and it'll be a happy ever after... Until Louis gets busy or doesn't want to do it and the cycle of abuse starts again.
Oh but don't worry, the story will end on a high note before that happens.
So it's ok.
And for the people who say "it's just a fake story." Here's a nice little article proving that what we read actually DOES shape moral and racial sensibilities.
So, no.
This is not ok.
"Reading shapes our moral sensibilities, and underrepresentation in the arts impoverishes our ethical understanding" -Rachel Fraser (Oxford) on our duty to read writing by women.