For people asking whether they should read it or not I’d say you should definitely read ...

Anonymous June 5, 2021 2:10 am

For people asking whether they should read it or not I’d say you should definitely read it. The comments are extremely biased and not critically thought out at all. First of all we’ve established that the 2nd prince and Lamia were engaged or already married in the first original timeline. We’ve also established that Lamia dies in that timeline because she’s the duchess. Now where the extreme bias of the commenters start is when we find out the 2nd prince willingly hurt Uri’s (Lamia’s younger brother) hand in the current timeline. They say her attitude towards the Prince is justified and that he’s a horrible character and male lead. I beg to differ. The 2nd prince has reversed the time many times trying to save Lamia. He’s not been successful once and has continued to watch her die repeatedly. He also knows Lamia well enough that if he hurt her brother she’ll hate and despise him forever. Not to forget he’s also madly in love with her and trying to keep her alive no matter the consequences. So I ask the readers why do they think such a person would willingly hurt her brother just out of pure malice? He didn’t hurt her brother just because he wanted to. He hurt him because he had no other choice.The 2nd prince has already reversed time multiple times and none of his attempts at keeping Lamia alive have been successful. He’s tried different methods already. After all that time this must be the only way he knew Lamia won’t become the duchess. If he hurt Uri’s hand he no longer would be able to become a knight.That will make Lamia want Uri to be the duke instead despite the extreme opposition and so far the 2nd prince’s plan has worked and Uri is now the duke. If he really wanted to hurt Uri just out of anger why would he particularly only go for his dominant hand? If he really wanted Uri to suffer he could have easily hurt him beyond repair. Also when he knows Lamia would hate him for what he did to Uri why would he want to take such an extreme measure? The only reason that makes sense is that he really had no other choice but to take this route. That’s why he also didn’t apologise for doing that to Uri. He’s okay with having Lamia hate him as long as she lives. That’s why he said that spring will no longer come for him. He also healed Uri’s hand the second he became the duke. He really is a good and loving person that has suffered and gone through so much. If he wasn’t a good guy why would Lamia even fall in love with him despite her and her family supporting the first prince? Lamia in the current timeline hating the 2nd prince makes sense but the readers who know everything and still mindlessly hate him just shows lack of critical thinking. Also the current timeline Lamia is taking out all the anger of every wrong thing done to Uri throughout his life on the 2nd Prince. The 2nd prince is only responsible for Uri’s hand and not anything else. He doesn’t deserve the blame of every misfortune Uri went through. Lamia’s hatred is out of bounds. Also the 2nd prince has saved her life twice already but she hasn’t uttered a single word of gratefulness and only repays him with more hostility. In addition Uri’s thinks his sister is all just and won’t ever do any harm to anyone innocent but it is clearly shown she’s ready to kill an innocent child if need be for the sake of her family. Her hands aren’t exactly clean and she’s hiding that from Uri and because of this Uri has an even more twisted image of the 2nd prince. There are still many things left to clarify in the story but this much is clear that the 2nd prince is really in love with Lamia and would even sacrifice their love and himself for her. He won’t ever hurt her if there was another way. I just wish Lamia would remember him and regret her harsh treatment of him after finding out all the suffering he’s went through.I also wish that readers would actually take a second and try to understand the character through critical analysis rather than just judge them on the surface and make extremely biased comments that demotivate people to read this wonderful story.

    Lin June 5, 2021 8:34 pm

    I agree, I almost didin't read because of the comments but it's such a great story, although it may be confusing I think it's for the plot to evolve slow, giving little pieces of information to the readers.
    Now I'm just sad because it really breaks my heart seeing Aquila suffer and being hatred by the one and only he loves even doing everything he can to save her. I just hope for a happy endingbut based on the title maybe not? ( T﹏T )

    Sol June 14, 2021 6:33 am

    This is such a nice analysis and actually helped me understand everything a bit better. It’s easy to hate on characters because the author is purposefully trying to pull the audience in that direction to give better emotional pizazz as the plot furthers and as characters develop, it’d be great if more people could enjoy the story in a more critical sense, rather than following along in the drama and end up making comments that prevent other people from reading. I love this story and hope more people will read too

    Kawaiidono June 21, 2021 7:04 pm

    Thank you finally someone who understands the plot
    Most of the ppl here are uri n fl biased they refused to see things behind the plot and hate ml

    Fl here described as wise and quick witted nice and filled with love and understanding but it was opposite she only did one thing blame ml everything