Wth i did not said that i just said that her name is too close to lesbian i keep mispronounced it. And that makes me feel bad bcs i keep getting her name wrong. Nothing else about lgbt. Also bcs of my religion i can't say i support lgbt but i do respect them. Im sorry if my word hurts you but i didn't mean anything else other than her name. What i meant when i said it such a waste to put an awful name like that is why put a name that will make people confuse/ hard to pronounced (unless there's a meaning behind the name which is also one of my question why they put that name). It just doesn't sit right with me.
It's okay dislike go ahead all i say is her name is awful bcs people keep mispronounced it, that is it. Why put a name that make reader hard to pronounced, nothing related to lgbt at all i didn'teven want to messed with yall during the month. My personality sometimes shit too yeah ik, i could have word it much better if i know people would actually misunderstood what i meant to said. Also, you should have ask what i truly meant by saying like that and not just curse out of nowhere. My english is not as good as you i admit it, so maybe you can help me word it much better. There's an edit button now.
Wtf is wrong with you, i don't said that. Where in the world did i said there's something wrong with being lesbian. Ouh pls all i said is her name being close to lesbian and bcs it's hard to not mispronounced it so it doesn't do justice to her character. Why give mc such a hard to pronounces name. It just doesn't sit right with me whenever i want to say her name i keep mispronounced it.
FUDGE!! I hate to say this but i keep pronouncing her name as Lesbian. Lesian Lesbian wth......i curious, is there a meaning behind the name, the og name? Or they just pick a random name. It's such wastes to put an awful name like that to someone so beautiful and elegance yet badass like her.
Edit: by the word 'awful' in that sentences means the creator could have given a much better name that isn't hard to pronounced/not making people confuse/ and for sure don't have anything to do with sensitive topic. That's all.