reread it after completing forgetting about the release pf season 2 and uGH how does it ma...

itsalex June 4, 2021 1:14 pm

reread it after completing forgetting about the release pf season 2 and uGH how does it manage to only get better?? the pacing is fantastic, not revealing too much leaving enough mystery for the readers to still be invested, and I can't wait for season 3 where we'll hopefully get more answers. Also, Seungho's character development is stunning. It's not sudden and it has a realistic pace as well as reason. Nakyum is holding back due to what his noona said, but you can easily tell by his actions how much he cares about Seungho still - DESPITE his thoughts stating somewhat otherwise.
I can't wait for what happens next, and I hope the author has a bomb ass vacation and gets tons of rest.
