I- I don't understan, why did she agreed for the marriage. Isnt she said she Will canceld...

LEVI x Broom June 4, 2021 12:48 pm


I don't understan, why did she agreed for the marriage. Isnt she said she Will canceld it?

And why no she say so?

I really confised

    Gabbie~ June 4, 2021 12:53 pm

    I kinda don't get it either but it's her tactic to get out of that marriage I think, it's going well too, plus it adds flare to the story since it's kinda unpredictable

    Jiophone2 June 4, 2021 1:06 pm

    Because she doesn't have a choice. By acting like this, she atkeast postponed the marriage and bought some time to escape.

    Gabbie~ June 4, 2021 1:11 pm
    Because she doesn't have a choice. By acting like this, she atkeast postponed the marriage and bought some time to escape. Jiophone2


    Jeyyy June 4, 2021 1:15 pm

    Bc technically she had no say in this. Marquis and crown prince both wanted this marriage for their personal reasons. So firstly she tried to cancel it, but when the crown prince showed up at her place, she knew it won't be cancelled and even will be held early. So she deliberately did that to buy time for herself so she can make plans for her, and neither marquis nor crown prince can harm her in future bc of cancellation of marriage.