
I agree with you that Blondie is both selfish and kinda dumb but she loves her husband and she’s extremely guilty for her choices and that’s why she wanted to be culpable for Seth’s crimes but we can’t just shove aside the fact that Seth is a mass murderer and his trauma doesn’t give him the right to abuse his powers and to kill so many innocents, he committed his crimes and he has to pay for them and let’s not forget that Blondie was also manipulated by Osiris as well as a matter of fact all this disaster is Osiris’ fault
Well shiz man- I didn’t realize I was walking into such a whore house like the what’s her face blond botch literally only asked for the dude who was supposed to be her damn husband to have more time JUST for her love child of a BASTARD to survive.
Like yeah I want the kid to be saved too since he shouldn’t be at fault for the sins of his parents, but the issue for me is mostly with how it seems like the hoe gave zero fucks about her damn husband and only had interest with the kid wtf...
And don’t even give me that “she felt guilty though-“ because let’s be honest, if she had even half of a brain she’d have thought of the consequences of committing frocking adultery with her brother especially with the intent of having a child being the main purpose- did she’s not stop to think maybe it’d not only fuck up the KIDS life, but also her BROTHER HUSBANDS life and even her OWN SISTERS life too??? Like huh?
Lmao idk I just really find her annoying, and let’s not talk about how she just sat and wallowed in an open cage of self pity for the past years instead of actually doing smt to at least “try” to fix her dumb choices