1 Seth was manipulated and consumed by hatred and humiliation, Isis was the only person he...

Maylen_Kyoya June 4, 2021 4:50 am

1 Seth was manipulated and consumed by hatred and humiliation, Isis was the only person he hadn’t been mistreated by thus far (in the beginning) so he was consumed by his loneliness and loss and fell into an obsessive and compulsive desire to find her (not excusing the deaths he caused but if anyone tries to justify the mistreatment and trauma Seth endured — your opinion — and whatever reasoning you have for it — is invalid)
2 Osiris is scum, Seth didnt do shit to warrant what Osiris put him through, if you try to claim otherwise, you’re just victim blaming at that point.
3 Some of you clearly can’t read (or even grasp what’s happing). You’re comments are plain ignorant.
4 I’m way too invested in this story, I’m gonna go touch some grass brb

    Ifyouknowmenoyoudont June 4, 2021 4:54 am

    Right he didn't deserve any of that he was manipulated and raped I do not I just I cannot with these ignorant comments

    nori_ June 4, 2021 5:05 am

    i totally agree with you, mainly in the "you're comments are plain ignorant" i don't want to be a boring person, but really sometimes it seems that the people are not even reading what is happening, like the information is being thrown in your face, just connect the dots (/TДT)/

    Yaoi~~~ June 4, 2021 5:47 am
    i totally agree with you, mainly in the "you're comments are plain ignorant" i don't want to be a boring person, but really sometimes it seems that the people are not even reading what is happening, like the in... nori_


    Mansi Rathod June 4, 2021 6:07 am

    Sorry, I meant to upvote

    Aniel June 4, 2021 12:44 pm

    Tbh majority does the exact opposite: try to justify, belittle and excuse Seth's misdeeds.