The announcement makes no sense...

thefaultinmyfart June 4, 2021 1:40 am

I get how you want parents to take responsibility and they should, but this announcement also affects heirship. Picture à dad cheated and has to recognise his illegitimate son, does that mean the illegitimate child can inherent the property more than the child of the wife? What if that child had been trained their whole life for that position and relied on it being their own. What about the work the wife put into maintaining the property or into tolerating a man for the benefit of her kid only for it to go to someone else? Honestly I'd be pissed to find out my husband cheated put I'd be even more pissed if someone else inherits other than my kid. This situation happened to my friend. They had a business shed been trained and worked her whole life. Then all of a sudden mysterious child pops up for inheritance fight

    Kkaekuchi June 4, 2021 2:15 am

    But that doesn't mean he will just abandoned the child. And it's not actually bad to be responsible to your mistakes as a parent. He didn't accept rurahel but he did accept his children so even if they inherit even a little bit of the emperor's wealth it won't be much of a deal. Since the crown prince is for sure, going to be an emperor. Being responsible to your illegitimate child doesn't mean you're neglecting your duty as an emperor.

    Vicks June 4, 2021 2:28 am
    But that doesn't mean he will just abandoned the child. And it's not actually bad to be responsible to your mistakes as a parent. He didn't accept rurahel but he did accept his children so even if they inherit ... Kkaekuchi


    min_kun shira June 4, 2021 6:57 am

    As what the emperor said, the children didn't chose them as a parents. So it is right that they should get recognized as part of the family. It is not their fault that they were born out of the parent's sin. Recognizing doesn't mean they will become the heirs. That is different. They just announced to remove discrimination. They didn't said to acknowledge them as the heirs. I hope you understand that already. Acknowledgments and heirs is different. Example. You are the wife, you have 3 children. But only the eldest can be the heir, so does that mean you should remove the other two children of yours because they can be a thorn of your eldest child throne? No right? It's the same as illegitimate children. They'll be acknowledged and recorded in the family registry.

    shinz June 4, 2021 12:35 pm

    Wrong, they won't have an advantage to inherit the name and property but the law gave them equal footing as the legitimate children, meaning whether they want too or not they have to give them a part of the wealth, just like how it is in the modern world. Equal footing is an exaggeration, honestly because just being a legitimate child put them at a great advantage already even with the law in place. And honestly, coming from someone who's father has a lot of illegitimate children, that someone who has suddenly popped up for a inheritance fight have the every right to do that, they have been neglected by their biological father their whole life and now he has to pay for it. You just don't get someone pregnant and expect to have nothing to do with it except for those men who were rape/baby trapped of course.

    thefaultinmyfart June 4, 2021 6:30 pm

    Wow this is the first time I've incurred the vengeance of the social justice warriors (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I'm weirdly happy to have said something controversial enough. Im feeling playful now so I'm going to trigger more people. Okay so consider this, the biological inclination of a female is to seek a male that can provide and protect for her offspring. The more resources a guy has, the more valuable he is. The biological inclination of a male is to inseminate and propagate. It is the women's role to create boundaries and enforce them. How high her standards are are relative to how high of a quality women she is. So high quality women will have high standards and pick high quality men. High quality men knows that low quality women want them to commit. But they know they are dimes of a dozen of them. Lots of low quality women try to baby trap high quality men to get to their resources. Consider that women and children have an unconditional bond, what the child gets, the mother will benefit. So, you think you're protecting the child, put what this does is enabling these kinds of baby trapping methods. The guy should be responsible for his actions? Yes but more so women. Because we are the gatekeepers of our own womb. This is why courting is important. To evaluate a man's honor and integrity. You also forget that not long ago the wife was someone who worked for her husband. Cooking cleaning being his emotional support, sexual comodity, surrogate. How would you feel if you put in all that work to be a high quality women (beautiful, well spoken, elegant, well versed, creative in your art) for the sake of getting a high quality husband that can give your future kids a good life but then your kids share was split with a women who only worked for one night only. Where is the return of the investment you made? Now in the modern world it seems women have become easier. Thus there are more playboys. Because women are saying yes to easily. Men especially high quality alpha male, are hunters. They want to hunt a deer but they are getting stupid rabbits so they move on to the next one hopping that the next will offer a better chase. This is why there are more fuckboys now. I'm just thankful I live in an era where a high quality women's path is not only through a male. My mom tried the baby trapping method with my little sister. I'm still paying for her mistake by supporting her financially. I wish I didn't have to be held accountable for the actions of other people. I wish male really were held accountable to pay financial support of kids apart from a measly sum that can't even cover meals. Sadly government is a business and it needs baby making machines to pop out more kids to be financial burden to us workers who have to work for money to support those babies and be slaves to consumer goods and banks. Meanwhile women keep fighting for well of men not realising they are digging themselves in deeper holes and the only one that wins is the male that gets to keep those resources to impress more lower quality women and spread their seed. Even worse if a high quality women thought she was getting a high quality men but ha jokes on you.
    That's why, from a public policy point of view, this is a bad decision. Spreading the man's resources and how will a men impress a women. After all girls don't like boys, girls just like boys with money. Why would a Women deal with boys if she can't get something out of it. No baby making machine, no corporate slaves, no peasants to rule ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Kkaekuchi June 5, 2021 5:02 am
    Wow this is the first time I've incurred the vengeance of the social justice warriors (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I'm weirdly happy to have said something controversial enough. Im feeling playful now so I'm going to tr... thefaultinmyfart

    Ok that actually makes sense but ignorance of a father and the legal wife to the illegitimate child is horrible. Imagine if their mom was a whore and all their mom's fault was being pushed to them. And it's also true that if a man introduced his illegitimate child to the public their family reputation will go downwards. But the blame will not go to the father. Instead the blame will all be trashed into the child. So if we're debating weather the legal wife has the rights (which is true) or the house wrecker then your statement will eventually makes sense. But we're talking about the child here. Not then legal wife. Sure the legal wife has the rights to claim but she can't keep the child away from his/her father. That's not called marking your property its called gatekeeping and selfishness. The child deserves their father's love and affection and if we're taking about a heir here. That's probably an exaggeration. They're illegitimate child after all so the wealth that the legal couple made are for sure without a doubt, it'll go to the legal children. The father's self wealth will go to the illegitimate child. No one's harming anyone don't u think?

    min_kun shira June 5, 2021 6:10 am
    Ok that actually makes sense but ignorance of a father and the legal wife to the illegitimate child is horrible. Imagine if their mom was a whore and all their mom's fault was being pushed to them. And it's als... Kkaekuchi

    100% right. They always think that acknowledging illegitimate children will given a chance to take the heir throne. Like hello? The heirs are children who's born between a legal couple. The emperor only wants the discrimination to end. The children are innocent. As what emperor said, they didn't chose their parents.

    shinz June 5, 2021 9:17 am
    Wow this is the first time I've incurred the vengeance of the social justice warriors (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I'm weirdly happy to have said something controversial enough. Im feeling playful now so I'm going to tr... thefaultinmyfart

    Receiving trashy treatment as an illegitimate child and a woman baby trapping a man are both bad situation but the second one have the least damage on all parties involved if it's enforced without any bias because with the first one, illegitimate children are usually abused or thrown away while the legal wife's marriage with her husband is also destroy but with the second one, you aren't allow to throw away the illegitimate child without inheritance so monetary problems are gone for the most part while the legal wife's relationship with her husband is destroy. They're at the stage of trial and error with the new rule because some may find loophole but that's how it all starts even in the modern world. You can't just ignore a group of people who are suffering just because a woman "might" baby trap a man.

    Kkaekuchi June 5, 2021 10:24 am
    Receiving trashy treatment as an illegitimate child and a woman baby trapping a man are both bad situation but the second one have the least damage on all parties involved if it's enforced without any bias beca... shinz

    So true like the women doesn't matter, she can take care of herself but what can a mere child can do? It's not the pride or the honor of the women or their family that matter. After a while the issue between an illegitimate child will be taken care of in a few years but abandoning a child to make sure the honor and pride of a legal wife and the family, even if it's not well known in public. That issue will literally ruin their reputation and not even a year can fix that issue. And plus if my husband ever has an illegitimate child then I wouldn't bother to throw the child out. Instead I'll fucking kill the one who sabotage my husbands cock (lmao) anyways the child has the rights so arguing either the legal wife's reputation or the child's well being is ridiculously pointless ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    shinz June 5, 2021 11:47 am
    So true like the women doesn't matter, she can take care of herself but what can a mere child can do? It's not the pride or the honor of the women or their family that matter. After a while the issue between an... Kkaekuchi

    Yeah seriously. Op really just said that he rather prioritize the legal wife's pride and the family's honor over illegitimate children's life, safety and sometimes basic needs (cuz a lot of them have a not so well off biological mother)