Hey fellow Goofy-goobers. I need some advice please

Hinatas_Crunchyfoot June 4, 2021 12:51 am

So, lets say a certain "friend" of mine is starting to flying into small fits of rage. Like little burst of anger. They keep getting worse and worse everytime they get angry though. And this "friend" of mine sometimes doubts their very existence so they think of ending it once in for all. What should my "friend" do? Just do it? Or just get over like usual and hope it doesn't get worse ??

    Jinx June 4, 2021 1:00 am

    I would tell your "friend" that it's okay to seek help from a professional. Your "friend" needs to figure out what is triggering the burst of anger & deal with the root problem. There is nothing wrong with talking to a Dr. & taking medication as long as you actually pay attention to what you're taking. The brain is very complex & sometimes we have emotional triggers, but it could also be a chemical imbalance. Your "friend" shouldn't think ending it all is solution. Life is constantly changing & while things may suck now, I'm sure there will be moments in the future that your "friend" will cherish & be glad they stuck around for.

    Hinatas_Crunchyfoot June 4, 2021 1:05 am
    I would tell your "friend" that it's okay to seek help from a professional. Your "friend" needs to figure out what is triggering the burst of anger & deal with the root problem. There is nothing wrong with ... Jinx

    My friend has tried to ask to see a professional but it never happens and my friend also has tried to end it before but it was used against them by their own parent. How are they supposed to deal with the guilt-tripping and victim blaming from their parents? If you don't mind answering.

    Jinx June 4, 2021 1:47 am
    My friend has tried to ask to see a professional but it never happens and my friend also has tried to end it before but it was used against them by their own parent. How are they supposed to deal with the guilt... Hinatas_Crunchyfoot

    Well how old is your friend?

    Hinatas_Crunchyfoot June 4, 2021 1:49 am
    Well how old is your friend? Jinx

    They are 15 going on 16.

    Jinx June 4, 2021 2:08 am

    I would tell your friend that they should do their best in school, because that will help give them an opportunity to get away once they graduate. Or even look into the military. It doesn't sound all that great, but I know from experience how important it is to get away from a toxic environment that is created by family. It is very very hard when family members make you feel like sh*t. & there are some who even use emotional manipulation to control others.

    It's easy to fall into that trap when you are young & have a big heart. That doesn't mean there is something wrong with you, (your friend.) It means that unfortunately your friend has shitty family members that need to work on their own self reflections.

    It definitely sucks when you feel trapped in a situation like that. But 4 years can go by in a blink, or however many years of school your friend has left. My situation is way different now than it was when I was 15, 16, 18, 21. I had to have something drastic happen to help give me the strength to stop allowing certain family members to control me. Mentally, emotionally, physically, & financially. The biggest thing your friend needs to have, is the desire to break the toxic cycle they are in that stems from their family. & the desire to want more for themselves. It doesn't have to be some huge thing. But just a goal they can set for themselves. Your friend shouldn't let toxic people ruin things for them, or ruin them even more mentally. Your friend needs to know that situations change & the way they feel now will be different in time. So don't become complacent in their misery & their family's toxic cycle. Sometimes I have to remind myself that things will be better, will change, I can do something different to get out of certain situations. & even though I wanted to give up many times. I stuck around, & I have made many many many more great memories & experiences. It's tough, but all we have an allotted amount of time to live our lives. Your friend shouldn't cut that time short before they run out, because there is so much more to the future than just now.

    Jinx June 4, 2021 2:14 am

    Tell your friend that it's okay to stand up for themselves & when the time comes they don't HAVE to be around those family members. It's not selfish to choose yourself in those type of situations. Your friends mental health is way more important than a destructive family member or friends feelings. Your friend has to protect their own peace. It helped me a lot to read, so maybe find a hobby to help cope until they can get the professional help they need. & if one therapist doesn't work, your friend can always go to another. Until they find someone that understands them & can genuinely help them. There is no magical fix, but your friend can't give up on themselves.

    Hinatas_Crunchyfoot June 4, 2021 2:14 am
    I would tell your friend that they should do their best in school, because that will help give them an opportunity to get away once they graduate. Or even look into the military. It doesn't sound all that great... Jinx

    I hope you live a wonderful and happy life. Thank you so much for the advice;my friend was worried that someone else whom they knew would see them on here. This definitely cleared my friends head up and they don't feel as self destructive now. So again, thank you and have a wonderful day/evening/night!

    Jinx June 4, 2021 4:08 am
    I hope you live a wonderful and happy life. Thank you so much for the advice;my friend was worried that someone else whom they knew would see them on here. This definitely cleared my friends head up and they do... Hinatas_Crunchyfoot

    Thank you. & no problem, it's good that your friend was brave enough to reach out to you, & for you to reach out for them. I hope things get better for your friend & you guys can reach out to me on here if you need to talk more. I've spent a lot of time working on my own mental health & having to monitor others & theirs. So I don't mind questions or listening to something someone needs to vent about.

    I'm glad they no longer feel self destructive. That's a feeling that I still struggle with from time to time. Self sabotage is a real thing. But eventually you can learn to control those impulses. You guys have a good night & keep fighting for yourself. This situation is NOT your end game. You just gotta stay motivated through the BS & eventually you'll see that it's worth it.