Hmm maybe the terms "queer" or "questioning" might be suit you. The latter is self-explanatory but queer is (from what I understand) more of an open, umbrella term for anyone that isn't hetero.
Also, it's ok if you don't label yourself as anything or if you're unsure. People use those terms because they strongly identify with them, but if you're still figuring out and don't want to label yourself as anything exclusively, then you don't have to - just be you!
And don't worry if you haven't really experienced any crushes or love of any sort. Doesn't mean you're strange or anything, just means the right person hasn't come along or the circumstances haven't aligned for you to find someone. It'll happen when it's supposed to happen. For now just focus on doing well on your exams. Good luck!

I think demisexual is the right track since its sounds like you have some sexual inclinations, you just might need the emotional connection/depth to actually get into it so to say. It could be also asexual and bi romantic since some asexuals like kissing and cuddling (its kinda one of those things where the degree of intamicy wanted depends on the individual). You might want to find some forums on both and talk it though with some who actually are that way to get a better idea though. You could just be like me though and just be so focused on other things that your oblivious... I had sex drive but no desire to act on it fully till my 20s cause i couldnt deal with the immaturity of those around me and i was oblivious to others attraction tward me. Plus i didnt understand idolizing real people, felt that would lead to disapointment since people are rarely as good as we thought they would be without knowing them. Anyways dont stress it. Do some searching to know the terms and just ponder it now and then. Their is no rush and while we may be born with our inclinations sometimes how we experience it and define it can change.

I'm in the same boat as you--believe me you're not alone! I know others dealing with this as well. The way I've dealt with it is that I just prefer not to label myself anything but queer or sexually fluid. I know I am sexually/romantically attracted to women, I know I also like men, but I never have any inclinations to actually be in a relationship either. And that's fine! Society puts a lot of pressure on us to fit into some sort of category but I think you'll feel less stressed/free when you understand it's completely fine to just go with the flow. I used to stress so much like you because I just didn't understand where to fit into the sexuality spectrum and I felt like I HAD to find my place. My family would ask if I was lesbian, my sister asked if I was asexual-- but I just reply that I honestly do not know OR CARE. I accept that whatever happens, happens. I believe we will find ourselves soon but we can't rush it or force anything, it just causes negative, anxious feelings to do so.

Don't worry ur not the only one who feels like this. I was in the same situation and I still am like that now. I've tried being "normal" and lives out my youth like my friends did, but out just won't work out. Even recently my friend noted that 'there's no point in dating someone if Ur not going to tell them anything.' then she told me dat I'm probably one of the asexual people and I'm fine with dat. Just learn to accept who u are, and if u want a love relationship, it'll come in due time. I don't think this was of much help, but I hope it did help. (=・ω・=)

I think you are pretty normal (*´ー`*) just happen to be a late bloom. Just like me. Puberty isnt decided by age since age is just a number. I never interested in any guy or girl too , no one could make me excited. Oh yea, my first crush is when i hit 20.

Its the fact that I am possible attracted to women that scares me, doesn't matter whether whether the attraction is kind of "meh" or is likely to bear something (scary) in the future. Its not like I can talk to anyone about it...
Anyway, thanks a lot for replying :) For now I'll let it be and see where it goes.
Okay, this is something I've been keeping inside me for a LOOOOONG time and its downright frustrating.
I am 18 and bisexual/biromantic. Or maybe not. Idk.
Well, how do I say it? In my 18 years of life, I've never fallen or had a crush on a girl or a guy. I know, weird, right? All my (straight) friends talk about their respective boyfriends or girlfriends and they discuss about stuff like that but I've never really had the interest. It's kinda...bleak, y'know? Romantically being involved with people of the opposite sex or the same sex, I mean.
When a female friend talks about "That guy right there, he's so hot." my reaction to that is a very uncomfortable "Oh yeah, he looks pretty good, doesn't he?" and then a few well placed nods and hmms whenever necessary. That being said, its not that I don't find guys handsome or pleasing to look at, or the thought of being romantically involved with them or kissing them displeasing (in fact, that train of thought isn't bad at all), but they don't really fall into my "priority list". Its more of a passing thought-- a situation I wouldn't mind being in.
When my guy friends talk about girls, I guess the correct response to that is, "Yeah she is pretty, you like her, huh? *teasing grin*". So I say that. But I've known, since I was a kid, that I have been interested in girls, maybe not exactly completely non-platonic-ally but not quite platonic-ally either. Again, the thought of making out with them or being in a romantic relationship with a girl is certainly not an unpleasant and I do find the female body (like with the male body) quite attractive. I have thought of kissing girls before and I... am fond of that train of thought. Though, again, its a passing thought-- not on my "priority list".
So, concluding, I'm seriously fucking confused and I don't know what to do or how to decide and since I live in a not-really-homophobic but REALLY-homophobic country, exploring is certainly not an option unless I'm very discreet. And then there's the fact that I've literally never had a crush on anyone, ever. Hell, I don't think I can fall in love with someone even at a gun point. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ But, that's not something I'm sure of. But, I mean, when you're in puberty you're bound to crush on someone, right? Right? Its all about hormones running about crazily at that age, after all.
That being said, I don't want to be in a relationship, what with my exams looming in the horizon and being single is fine with me. But my sexuality has been bugging me for the past few years and, since I prefer chickening out, I try not to think too much about it lest I end up disappointing my parents or screwing things up or something.
...and that was a seriously long ass comment; I'm sorry! (⊙…⊙ ) That's my five years worth of thoughts, explained as succinctly as I could.