
Ash Lynx June 3, 2021 9:09 pm

Bruh, some Yahwi stans are literally celebrating and cheering when Yahwi CLEARLY used force (again) to kiss jooin

    Ash Lynx June 4, 2021 7:47 am
    You also probably think how the mc looking for jooin is harassing but the moment Cain does it to you it’s just “looking out for him” stfu hypocrite Sadbuthappyhoe

    Bruh when did I say that was harrasment? All I said was what Yahwi did when he forced a kiss on Jooin was considered a sexual assault

    Lol are you sure you're not the hypocrite one

    Ash Lynx June 4, 2021 7:52 am
    Ok its still wrong apology or not. Yahwi and Cain both kissed Jooin without consent Jiwon's Fountain ⛲

    Like I said, I didn't say it was okay when he got carried away

    Sadbuthappyhoe June 4, 2021 3:59 pm
    Oh geez, stanning a toxic, manipulative and a rapist character then saying that the sexual assault yahwi did was a kink bruh HAHAHAHAHAHAH Ash Lynx

    Rapist- omg you’re no longer worth talking to

    Sadbuthappyhoe June 4, 2021 4:02 pm
    even the most extreme noncon play is supposed to be consensual what are you on about that's not a kink that's you being a sociopath. if you think this is okay irl i'd like to see you trying to run away from you... bishounensupremacy

    ITS A STORY it’s not that deep my dude lmao not everything has to be as exactly how it is in real life. Grow some fucking skin. You’re acting as if he was running his down with his car grow up

    bishounensupremacy June 4, 2021 4:59 pm
    ITS A STORY it’s not that deep my dude lmao not everything has to be as exactly how it is in real life. Grow some fucking skin. You’re acting as if he was running his down with his car grow up Sadbuthappyhoe

    lmao i have comments defending yahwi stans cause people can obviously like a fictional character without supporting any of his actions but that's not a healthy 'kink' my dude. i hope you have different tastes in fiction and reality or you're gonna end up having a tough time with relationships. all you have to do is to say you admit he's trash but you like him anyway, that's perfectly fine. trying to make an obvious act of sexual harassment seem normal just so you can justify your attraction to some pixels is childish as heck

    Ash Lynx June 4, 2021 9:18 pm
    Rapist- omg you’re no longer worth talking to Sadbuthappyhoe

    You might want to reread the story again because it looks like you missed the part when Yahwi took advantage on Jooin when he was drunk

    ozmodeon June 5, 2021 2:42 pm
    Omg stfu you immature Sadbuthappyhoe

    bruh ,you 12

    Bitchesstaymad June 5, 2021 8:25 pm
    Oh geez, stanning a toxic, manipulative and a rapist character then saying that the sexual assault yahwi did was a kink bruh HAHAHAHAHAHAH Ash Lynx

    Throwing around labels that doesn’t apply will never support your opinion. Just say you’re into weak soft boy shit and move on

    Bitchesstaymad June 5, 2021 8:28 pm
    bruh ,you 12 ozmodeon

    Says a person using bruh