They could have be if they didn't have this past. He is a rapist, he destroyed her. How can you say that after seeing her like that? Issues? Issues expressing love??? Do you even know what rape is??? DO YOU KNOW??? If they had meet before, i'm sure their couple could have be happy. But at the moment he tried to kill her, it's was to late. So wake up, and don't say things like that again.
And you love him only because he is good looking. If it was a small men, with rat eyes, yellow teeth, red pimples and a big nose, all ugly, you would hate him.

Don't be aggressive plz it's just a feeling I've been having for a while about their relationship and I wanted to know whether I was alone!! I don't know why I think that so don't be so aggressive plz. OF I know what rape is and it is fucking awful don't you think I don't care about rape I do!!
But as you said it's just that sometimes when I see that together In just can't help but forget about all he did to her until he does it again..
I completely agree that it's too late bc of what he did but I can't help but hope for a miracle idk they could be/have been such a great couple if fu sheng wasn't soo fk stupid!
The face does have a role in me liking he but it's just the fact that he feels guilty and regrets most of it that gets me I can't help it.

Guilt is not an excuse. And the fact that you are saying yourself that you can't help but forget until he does it again, when he do it in almost every chapter, just shows that you don't understand what rape is for the victims. He is not stupid, he is a psycho. And yes you can help it. Go watch survivors interview, it will help you to stop having those kind of fetishes. And miracle don't happen. Rape is the worst thing you can do to someone. So yes. Wake up, and don't try to find excuse for him or for you.

Girl/boy/non-binary person, the fuck are you saying? Put down the kool-aide and get a therapist cos that shit ain’t normal! The creator made this angelic villain type to provoke some cognitive dissonance/ Stockholm syndrome type shit for tension but nooooooooooooo just no on the glazing over his blatant abuse and psychopathy. I pray you don’t have this mindset in the real world—that shit will get you in serious trouble.

The whole point of posting shit to a public forum is to ‘share business’ (opinions/thoughts) for others to read. So let’s not pretend this wasn’t going to get a response, not to mention it’s a totally loaded comment implying abusive relationships are okay so long as we can assume remorse on the end of the abuser and that he uh looks cute with the victim when he’s not abusing them? I can’t even say that shit seriously. It doesn’t matter that the characters are fiction because the post is speaking to a real-world problem that real people experience every day.

She is talking about a manhwa. Fiction. Not real people. Drawings. I doubt that she treats a fictitious relationship the same as a real one. Nor should you. And you MUST NOT shame anyone for their preferences in FICTION. I will not answer you anymore but maybe you should find comfort in thousand of other comments that share your mindset instead of leaving hate for the one that don't.

She is talking about the topic of abuse in the context of fiction. If you think themes in fiction exist in a vacuum you’ve completely missed the purpose of storytelling in any genre or media. Stories shape our perspective of the world and our place in it. They inform our morals and values. They are reflective of many things but one of those them is social norms. They teach us how to act thoughtfully and help us to engage with others and how they see the world. So engaging with others on a public forum: do so thoughtfully. If you don’t and fumble through the minefield that is the topic of abuse, don’t be surprised when the excuse of ‘fiction’ doesn’t quell the backlash. The way it was stated was so careless and purposefully ignorant. What’s worse: it’s was cutesy. Fucking nauseating. I’m not surprised by ppl being pissed, but I don’t condone the rape kink accusation. That’s a little much.
Lastly, you MUST NOT be so ignorant with FICTION. Lol. Convenient to state your opinion then claim you will not answer me because of some bogus sense of righteousness in justifying the romanization of abuse and violence in fiction because...’fiction is drawings and drawings are not real so there.’ (Paraphrased but I think I got the gist)
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Am I the only one who actually wants to see them happy together...? I get most people hate fu sheng from what he did to He yang and her couple.. But idk I feel like they could be so happy!!! You can see that he cares for her and always regrets hurting He Yang ( after hurting her but he still regrets and feels guilty when he sees her sad and in pain) I feel like he just has issues expressing his feelings...
( Fu sheng kinda gives me a Demon vibe from vampire diaries and a Seungho vibe from the painter of the night... I just can't help but love him ╥﹏╥)
PS: just to make things clear I never said I was okay with all he did to her, I'm NOT!!! But when I see them tgt they seem so happy and cute that my mind erases all the f*cked up things he did .. Until he does it again and I want to throw tiny rocks at him. But part of my heart still wishes them happiness so bad