i just wanted to say, fiction affects reality. there will be people who read this who will start to have a paedophilic kind of mentality. it might not be you, but there will be people who will. that's why people are attacking the artist because even if they arent pedophiles, they give pedophiles a space for them to enjoy stuff.

Dude wtf are you doing blaming a doujin?? the characters dont even look or act like real 15 and 28 year old anyway... p*dophiiles will have those thoughts regardless of if they read a doujin or not. a p*do can see a little kid enjoying a lollipop and think bad things but we aren't banning lollipops now are we? please listen to yourself... youre being completely unreasonable

also just for the same of what you said, lollipops arent inherently inappropriate, guess what is? 18+ doujins of underaged characters. now it's not even about the body looking like real 15 and 28 year olds it's about the mentality and maturity of them, and listen im not blaming the doujin, im blaming the creator.

I agree with what you said,, it goes both ways as in reality affects fiction and fiction affects reality. A lot of pedophiles think they’re “feelings” are okay and valid or that they are doing what’s right for the child because of these “safe places” online. I think it’s just a really tricky grey area. Extra note I hate when people say that if you read these you’re a pedophile because I’m literally a minor and I jus wanted to be horny (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

yeah i get what you mean by being annoyed that some people say that bc a lot of the people who read this actually arent pedophiles and just people who are piqued by these ships, it's the fact that most people who argue and defend these doujins arent actually pedophiles but they're technically defending them in a way without actual pedophiles having to out themselves. it's still nasty to read this but i wouldnt say everyone who does is a pedophile, especially when you're a minor (on that note im a minor too lmao). i agree with what you've said but theres better places and things than this ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Why are y'all getting worked up with a DOUJIN. A piece of fan entertainment, something that will never be canon. Some of y'all are taking this to far from attacking artists and being hypocritical. Like we know Yuujj is 15/16 years old and Gojo is 28 years old, don't treat us like dumbasses. And I know some of you will say, "thEn yOu sUpPort pedophilia" or "yOur a pedophile" and before you even type that, before you even think of that, before you even LOOK at this comment,
NO, WE FUCKING DONT BECAUSE THATS A REAL WORLD PROBLEM. Now, look how I said REAL and what is this, what are you reading...Fiction.
Were reading something fictional. A digital drawing someone drew for fun, these two will never exist, they will never know of this because why? BECAUSE THEY DONT EXIST. Now if they did exist, this would be huge problem, but like I said it's fictionn.
Now before you say "still even if it's fiction, your still supporting pedophilia."
That's a weak argument. Gives us evidence, facts, a civil conversation and we might listen, but countine to say that and we will never listen to you. And still wont.
Sign and Peace