Poor Mr. Knight

lolzers June 3, 2021 1:28 pm

I know he is annoying but I trully cheer for him, he changed for the better for the sake of the ML and sadly his madness and obsession is happening only because it is the will of the story.

To be honest I'm still partial with maize's relationship with the demon. It was years of lies and manupalation, and the way she kept on making excuses whenever she feel like something is wrong with the way her husband thinks makes me think she is trapped in an idea that she needs this relationship, she needs this man. a.k.a. signs of a manipulative and toxic relationship.

I just hope everyone gets a happy ending, especially for Mr. Knight who dedicated years to improve his self and sadlt went mad for it.

    Hattiert June 3, 2021 1:47 pm

    There’s not one redeemable quality about that knight. All he cares about is himself. When he was engaged to original fl AND current fl, he screwed around behind her back with every girl in the village that would let him. He led her on, lied to her and humiliated her. Then he finally dumped her (in original story) to become a knight. It was always all about him. The ONLY reason he changed and became obsessed with her is because current fl wouldn’t tolerate this selfish twit’s behavior and dumped him first. His ego couldn’t handle it so he turned into an insane obsessed lunatic. He’s never loved anything or anyone more than himself. He doesn’t deserve a happy ending. That’s just my opinion, but I know we all see things differently.

    lolzers June 3, 2021 6:54 pm
    There’s not one redeemable quality about that knight. All he cares about is himself. When he was engaged to original fl AND current fl, he screwed around behind her back with every girl in the village that wo... Hattiert

    True but then the story is implying that everything is happening according to fate. He is fated to act like that its a pre-destined event that he cant go against only until now that FL got cheat code cause isekai powers.

    . He did change for the better, he did visited her during her marriage tho (something he did not out of wanting to ruin it but just excited to inform her he is a better man, only to realize that welp she's getting married) but after that he did left FL for good, only to come back when he realize she's in danger and he might actually have a chance to get her again.

    I'm just confuse why the author is trying to portray him as this insane person when his actions are justified if looking at the perspective of the whole plot of the novel was supposed to be.

    I'm just so salty he's getting all the hate when ML is not that clean either

    Hattiert June 3, 2021 9:35 pm

    I want you to know that I sincerely read everything you said. So, I’m not being argumentative. I just have a different way of seeing things. I feel like the knight was destined by the fates to be a hero in the fairy tale sense of the term. However, also in the original novel he was a horrible man. When new fl got there, she originally wanted to go with the flow of the novel. However, while he was busy dicking around, she got kidnapped, beat up, threatened multiple times….only then did she say that’s enough. All that, was to make him a hero in the original story. She hadn’t even interfered at that point. Even when she called the meeting to break up with him, that selfish pompous ass didn’t notice the rope burns around her arms. He was a jerk to begin with. The original novel failed to include the details of what she went thru. It only highlighted his escapades so he could look awesome “saving” her. In the end, she suffered, even in the original novel, because he was indulging himself.

    The original novel had him meeting and falling in love with the princess who disguised herself, met with him several times, exchanged locks of hair in the forest……all while he was engaged with fl. Our new girl didn’t initiate that. He was a complete ass all on his own. So I respectfully disagree with you. It’s easy to blame the story until we witness the details the story failed to mention so he could look like mr. awesome. Now we get to see why she went thru these horrors and why he wasn’t there to stop it. Him being driven by the story doesn’t explain why, how or what she went thru because he wasn’t there. Now we know…..he’s a self indulgent whore in my eyes.

    I’ve read a ton of these stories…girl goes thru crap, hero rescues. YAY! Never asked why this happened, well this fated novel is telling us why. The reason he’s fated to be an insane lunatic self indulgent jackass, is because he was always that way in the evident parts of the story that these fates kept from the readers.

    The reason the author is portraying him to be an insane ego driven creep, is because the author had written him that way from the beginning. To me, from the entire perspective of the plot of the novel…..he is exactly what I always thought he was. I see no justification. Like I said, it’s all in our individual perspectives. I just can’t see it your way. Sorry.

    Hattiert June 3, 2021 10:01 pm

    I forgot to address the ml. He’s obviously been caught in a loop. It’s also obvious he always loved the fl. When he saw her acting different he took his chance to approach her and try to have her fall in love with him. Yes, he lied and manipulated her, but in the end he came clean and let her choose. He was ready to walk away if she rejected him after knowing the truth. She was so I love with him by that time….real love based on his actions, that she CHOSE to forgive him and stay with him. Fl looked at the pros and cons, his lies and manipulations and his actions which she decided were true love. She freely, knowing everything, chose him. The “hero” doesn’t care how she feels or what she thinks. His easy out is she’s being controlled. Even though she’s done everything to prove otherwise. Bottom line is fl is still stupid. She made her choice. ML was willing to allow anything she chose, hero didn’t give a rat’s butt what she chose, how she proved she wasn’t under a spell….nothing. He decided he’d make her decisions for her.

    Hattiert June 3, 2021 10:05 pm
    I forgot to address the ml. He’s obviously been caught in a loop. It’s also obvious he always loved the fl. When he saw her acting different he took his chance to approach her and try to have her fall in lo... Hattiert

    Dang it….replace the sentence “Bottom line is fl is still stupid” with “Bottom line is fl isn’t stupid”.

    An Absolute Unit June 4, 2021 2:52 am
    Dang it….replace the sentence “Bottom line is fl is still stupid” with “Bottom line is fl isn’t stupid”. Hattiert

    Lol that was the one line I disagreed with glad you cleared that up

    lolzers June 4, 2021 8:12 am
    I want you to know that I sincerely read everything you said. So, I’m not being argumentative. I just have a different way of seeing things. I feel like the knight was destined by the fates to be a hero in th... Hattiert

    Yes that's the thing she was acting according to the original plot, and in the original plot the knight is a dumbass, that's why he too was acting according to the plot line where he is dumb and a man whore. ML on the other hand is acting differently from the story because he too is in a time loop so he can act out of his character because he knows its like looping story, so while he still is within the predestined fate but he have knowledge that it is a predestined fate, his fate might have been heavily altered because FL was directly in contact with him for a long period of time while acting against the plot.

    The knight right now can be going insane because a person he dedicated years of his life with was actually being deceived, and in the plot humans have it ingrained on their mind that demons are bad without any deep reason, that's why he is so adamant to 'save' the girl, because it is ingrained on his character and everybody else actually that demon bad, human good thing, making him desperate to save her.

    ML yeah its good that he comes clean but then will he really come clean if he wasn't accidentally exposed?

    FL on the other hand I don't know she just looks like the kind of person who became dependent in a toxic relationship. She knows she was manipulated and deceived for years and yet she chose to forgive him despite it being a big massive lie. his whole personality and her life was a lie for years, but because she became so dependent on him she accepts, cause if she let him go, she will be alone again, something that she no longer want to go back to feeling again now that she experienced being with someone despite that someone manipulating her life for a long time.

    And it's alright if you dont see it that way, that's normal, plus its kinda nice to see different perspectives

    sevi camero June 4, 2021 9:18 am
    I want you to know that I sincerely read everything you said. So, I’m not being argumentative. I just have a different way of seeing things. I feel like the knight was destined by the fates to be a hero in th... Hattiert


    katevv June 4, 2021 2:24 pm
    I want you to know that I sincerely read everything you said. So, I’m not being argumentative. I just have a different way of seeing things. I feel like the knight was destined by the fates to be a hero in th... Hattiert
