i can't get this question out of my mind

Kokichi has kinnies June 3, 2021 6:50 am

So like we all read the part where Ogeha lay eggs right? So like who's the one to impregnated him(or her idk Ogeha's gender) who? Is it the old man? Or some random guy their parents picked?????

    Madz June 20, 2021 4:56 pm

    It’ll probably be whoever they pick; in this case it could be Kiji

    Lendzye January 7, 2024 9:45 am

    (Sorry if my english bad). People are asking about who’s did that with Ogeha. Here’s my opinion. The one who doing ‘that’ with ogeha is sadly the cat!
    Remember on the chapter when the caterpillar bring some mans for ogeha but she refused and then the other caterpillar’s bring a black cat, and it’s identified later that its the cats of kiji’s friend

    Later on the last chapter ogeha said she want laying Kiji’s eggs, if that’s happening i think Kiji would die just like the black cat haha