
Instead of making up for not being able to protect them or not being able to make them happy. They chose to simp another person even though that average girl still like them. They justify their action by saying " I don't deserve her, I can't make her happy" If that were a valid excuse they shouldn't have made a relationship quickly with the new girl and wait for the average girl to find someone. In the end they're just bastards. Because of their past life, the popular girl won't look at them but the moment they got a golden finger they're quick to change.
Does anyone else thinks like me? I hate it when an MC changes their lovers just because you got a second chance. Like their former lovers where just average but when they get rebirthed the MC somehow became cool and attracted the no.1 girl then proceeds to become lovers. Like, have being popular got into their head? When the new girl(famous genius) wouldn't even look at MC in the past. I'm talking about A returner's Magic Should Be Special and Medical Return.
I mean, the average girl stayed with you for years and now these MCs simp casts their past aside and go for the hot genius girl. NO.1 excuse is they can't make her happy or something and yet here you are simping another girl.fucking douche