Ok but underwhelming

CarpsAmongCats June 3, 2021 5:57 am

Wanted to like but it's not very good. Story moves too fast so there is very little build up to anything happening. This makes things feel forced and contrived. Characterization and development is really lacking as well. Main character goes from ptsd, insecure homebuddy to insta assasin with a matching personality change. All other characters are fairly shallow and not that interesting. Also, what's with all the tits? Not every woman is going to have her ass and tits hanging out. Even the proffesional suite wearing office gals are dressed like they're in a porno :/

This is sadly just another Gary Stue author self insert male power fantasy. If the art was better might not mind all the fan service (tits/ass) but it's super bland so its just distracting. Better off reading just about any other korean player/hunter story; Solo leveling, Frozen Player, Bug Player, etc.

    Layla July 6, 2021 7:05 am

    U said it bro !!! A thousand kudos to u!! I mentioned personality change and lol what’s even more baffling is how he went to pvp after being a trash healer. No explanation for how he suddenly had those strength stats.