
She was misunderstood because of her actions and failed to get through John. Because of what happened so far, she blames herself for sharing her visions she had and everything that happened was her fault. So she doesn't want history to repeat, decided to not share her visions with anyone and hence slammed the door on John. But yeah, the thing with Adrion in the past is not cleared up yet.
tbh that green haired girl saying "I just want u out of my life" to john is understandable but I don't really like that especially since she saw a vision that is or might be important and like does she know that adrian is the reason why john went crazy on her and the people from their school anyway? john didn't mention that he could have mentioned it but not blame adrian for it and just explain why and what really happened on his side cause I don't think she knows the full story but yeah I don't like that she doesn't want to be friend with john BECAUSE they both fucked up and Im pretty sure adrian and joh gon be friends so how they gon meet each other anyway so yuh but its just some tots so don't hate on me if u disagree lol :))