I wanna know the same thing, i read up till ch 25 but the story and stuff just burns so slowly. And even then im still kinda confused as to how her obeying the dude helps her people. Ig its a sort of thing where like- if she gains political power, thatll basically be the dudes political power as well? And therefore his influence in politics would get larger as long as she goes on to checkmate other strong political figures because he is the one who is “backing” her. And with that extra influence he could possibly turn the tides with the langues being hunted and help their position in the humans politics. And ig he needed her becuz she comes from an unknown and mysterious background and he can practically blackmail her into doing what he wants.
Im also annoyed by how no one lets her know whats going on and orders her to do questionable things. Also, if you get farther, the duke and seret literally attempt (im using the word “attempt” becuz idk if it worked on her or not but i cant bring myself to read anymore) to manipulate this poor girl to get her to become even more obedient to the duke. Idk but i dropped this once it came to the cold hearted manipulation tactics towards a young girl who has no power to defend herself, is painfully naive (though that isnt really her fault since im assuming ppl leave her in the dark on purpose), and whose own kind are being hunted down and treated like garbage.

Get rid of all the important people with power and influence who make all the important decisions in government, and create a new society with equality with the power and influence it will achieve. And that does make sense, if you want to change something start with those with power in the government.
I find it pretty nice though it can get boring at times cause it very slow born. but it's fine in my opinion.

I personally find this story really interesting, the plot line is deep and clearly has been intricately planned, so if you only like shallow stories then it probably won’t be for you. It’s hard to describe but there a lot of imperial conflict and the main goal is to save the rangae race by defeating the King, Marquess and imperial faction. There is small romance on the side. It’s a slow burner and a long story with detail, so that’s why it seems slow paced.
I can tell the creator is trying to emphasise a lot of the FL’s character development which is happening slowly but surely. As a creator myself, I actually really appreciate all that they’re doing and think they’re amazing for trying to do such an ambitious piece plot wise whilst having beautiful art.
A lot of people may not appreciate this and find it boring but that is something I struggle to understand since it’s so well done. A bit embarrassing IMO really
Can someone tell me what this manhwa is all about? Better yet, just spoil me..the synopsis is confusing & doesn't make sense. I've read until ch10 but i can't decide whether to continue reading or drop it. How is it that by she following the duke's order to work in the palace w/ help her ppl? & i thought all of her ppl are dead? Even if there are survivors, like what's the duke gonna do to help them provided that the fl follow his order? It kinda piss me off how she doesn't received any explaination about her situation but she still do what ppl told her to do. At least tell her what's her job is, what she need to achieve, & how by doing so can help her ppl