But chinese names are 2-3 syllables at best? 1 syllable for the surname, and 1-2 syllables for the proper name? Well, maybe you mean when characters are called their full name it's hard to remember a foreign sounding name?
Anyway, so far the manhuas I have read that don't have R18 scenes are kind of ok, some of them have potential. But most of the manhuas out there suffer from cliche plots or boring plots.
Have you noticed some chinese manhuas have a multiple choice question on the end of every chapter asking readers what they think will happen next?
Apparently, that's a system in China for newly published online manhuas to gain support from paying readers. If a manhua does not gain enough readers per chapter, publishers can drop them just like that. So what happens is, creative freedom is stifled at the mercy of paying readers.
So what happens is, readers dictate what happens on every chapter (until the manhua gains enough popularity to have actual creative freedom without fear of reader count dropping too drastically) and so the manhua suffers cliche plot lines and all manhuas end up looking similar to each other with certain scenarios since readers dictate what happens next per chapter based from a voting system.
Kinda sucks ass because if you compare Korean vs Chinese manhua, the Koreans are thriving and are leaps and bounds superior with the creative process. Come to think of it, Korean yaoi manhuas don't look similar to each other drawing-wise. Chinese ones all look similar; slender characters with feminine features (only manhua with distinct drawing style I know so far is '19 days').
I super agree!
Imagine if '19 days' was allowed to progress into yaoi territory.
The rest of the Chinese manhuas are konda sad though, the drawing style all look similar to each other. Korean drawing style are varied and superior for me, just look at how they draw 'Dear Benjamin' or 'Blind Play' or even 'Painter of the Night'... Each of them have distinct drawing style, I'd know for a fact if I see Byeonduck's drawing style and immediately recognize it's her artwork. For chinese manhuas though ╥﹏╥ only 19 days have that grade S distinct drawing style that doesn't look like the rest of the chinese manhuas out there.
It's honestly the style of story progression and drawing for me. You see, of it's based on novel, you can pretty much expect that there's some details that would be left out, BUT OH GOD manhuas take it to another level like wtf? and the drawing of every panels is a little bit confusing, plus not much emotions are shown on the character's faces. That's why I don't read manhuas. Too much details are lacking. It's better to read their novel counterparts and honestly, I enjoy c-novels the most compare to japanese and Korean ones. But when it comes to bringing those novels into pictures, Mahwa and Manga writers/scriptwriters/creators are chef's kiss.
I agree. Although a lot of the earlier c-novels suffered from shitty seme's tbh. And a lot of them have an obsession with correcting past mistakes and making life perfect with reincarnation tropes... and that's okay if done right, just like in 'Epiphanies of Rebirth'. Also, MoXiangTongXiu and Priest have great writing caliber as BL c-novelists.
the drawings could do better, I agree. Except for '19 Days', the mangaka of that manhua is superb with facial expressions and crisp drawings.
Am I the only one who sees a BL manga/webtoon and read the summary and feel interested, but when you notice the Chinese names or author, you suddenly get disinterested?
Not because of xenophobia, but because we all know Chinese webtoons have restrictions and are prohibited BY LAW to draw homosexual physical relations? (Like at most, kiss scenes are allowed but not published on legal channels because they can go to jail if they draw any sex scenes).
I feel like chinese webtoons have so much potential but chinese censorship castrates the potential and just basically ends up as queer baiting webtoons or just BL at best, with the implied homoerotic romance left for your imagination. So frustrating.