Why do you dislike Horus? I've seen people who dislike him for his treatment of Anubis and people who dislike him because they prefer Seth x Neftys. But I'm curious if there's anyone who has another reason...
Personally, I already wrote my thoughts on Horus:

I actually did watch 30 ads since I'm so invested in the story haha but I cannot use it to buy the chapter? I hv 310p in my account but when I click on the chapter I want to buy they just disappear TT I found the rest on 툰코 though and got like 20% of the convos through guessing and my meh Korean. I'll keep my tappytoons account though and try to use at least the 300p for a chapter to support the author at least a teeny bit
what do yall think about horus? tbh i don't really like him. kinda upset that hes the "ML" and i hope this doesn't turn into a romance, but it prob won't so thats nice cuz this stuff is sooo good as it is. Anyways, we all hate motherfucking bastard Osiris but thoughts on horus?