Unpopular opinion *SPOILERS*

bakayaoi June 26, 2016 3:05 am

Am I.. the only one who didn't like this? :(
It's just a bit too dramatic for me
I was actually upset that Moto seemed to treasure Itan more, but it's understandable because of the guilt and history
I actually felt kinda bad for Itan too
Annnnnd then he fuckin rapes Moto. And it's not the typical rape you find in yaoi--it's the type that legit instills horror and anger into you.
Nice fuckin going, you psycho.
Someone pass the holy water, my brain and heart aches

    CassSprinkle May 1, 2017 5:00 am

    Ikr, I think itan in more of a family love. And that my bae is his true love . I hate itan so much now.like I dint like him, but now I hate him.

    CassSprinkle May 1, 2017 5:27 am

    Also I feel bad for so (I'm distressed and his name doesn't get said much) the main seem I mean how could he do that to him I'm kind of mad at moto for that. I would be heart broken, and I mean fucking kick his dick and he could have gotten out of that, especially the second time round.