looking for an ongoing on
I need friends
Can you guys recommend me some omega x omega manhwa/manga??? And also stori...
thoughts and recommendations
Isekai reccs?
recs pls!!
anyone know where to read lotm??
I remember theres zombie yaoi manga/manhwa (i forgot), they fckd because th...
Is Korean age 1 or 2 years??
Hellooooo plz give me recccss
Does anyone know about the title of this manga?
So the mc is a creepy guy (I forgot why he did this) who followed an elementary school female student to her house (it might was a coincidence like he was going to rob the house and met the girl) but the guy was locked in a cupboard a very small room or instead and had to live there for days
I remember the ending as the girl's parents are actually dead recently and years later they met again
I would appreciate it so much if someone know the manga because I've been looking for it since it crossed my mind before