
cxcksw4gger June 2, 2021 2:05 pm

Pretty interesting story, an ok read. //I want to get this off my chest since ive never told anyone at all and im pretty sure it has affect my mental state alot lol. My older cousin used to molest me, i was abt 4-5 years old and he was 10 i think. I feel disgusted just thinkin ab it , i was so little and didnt know any better so i just let him do it bc it felt good. When i grew up around 10 years old i felt as if someone was watching me everytime i woke up, i thought it was just my brother tryna wake me up so i decided to fake sleep whenever i heard footsteps, suprise suprise it was my cousin. All those years and he still hasnt stopped, it just reminded me of back then, and how i was naive... i wanted to vomit. Times where i froze and hoped desperately he'd stop. I'm 16 now and im still traumatized so here i am coping by reading any fucked up shit i come across lol.

    lily June 9, 2021 9:00 pm

    Hi idk how you’re living states and you’re parents are like but i would advise you to tell this to an adult. I know you might think that it’s just too much trouble therefore not important but since it’s affecting your mental health and is traumatizing you, i think you’d better tale action for your own sake… if you decided to keep it to yourself despite what i said, you can still message me to talk to someone if you needed.
    Sending love

    cxcksw4gger June 10, 2021 1:04 pm
    Hi idk how you’re living states and you’re parents are like but i would advise you to tell this to an adult. I know you might think that it’s just too much trouble therefore not important but since it’s... lily

    Hello, i cant tell anyone irl since i dont have a good relarionship w my family but im trying to get better everyday and i rlly appreciate ur concern(●’◡’●)ノ

    Kaneki's waifu June 26, 2021 11:18 am

    Hey I just read and I just wanted to say that I've been thru the same and I totally understand and sometimes I feel guilty bc when I was little and my distant older cousin did the same, I felt good and til this day it haunts me thinking I was the one to blame as well cuz it thought it feels good but no it isn't my fault nor it was yours. And I hope you recover soon

    ukiuki July 9, 2021 1:51 am

    Sending love back, i hope you ll get better and leave that house asap, remember that its not your fault and stay safe!! I really hope that you are gonna be happy and loved in this life!!

    MrMoonWax July 17, 2021 10:58 pm

    Youre strong itll be okay buddy

    Shen Miao 90 July 20, 2023 2:40 pm

    I was abused by my grandfather. Since I was 5 to 13 when I gather my courage and told my mom. I won't say it will pass, not that it will heal the wounds in you. But the FREEDOM you will win, no one can destroy it. Time did not heal my wounds, my grandfather was in jail for 17 years, and died last year, when he was released. This only gave me freedom and peace. I'm still working on my mental health. But if... suppose I never told my mom about this, I would still be suffering. I would have never start the healing process much needed to live the way i want the life I still have.

    Yaoi_Freåk August 11, 2023 8:25 pm

    confessions, confessions, I also have one, so when I was 7, my cousin who was also 7 (we are both girls) saw this sex scene in a movie, so we were curious and wanted to try it ourselves, so we walked into her room, closed the door, got on the floor, and uh- well..you can take the hint, so then like a year later, I was 8, I wanted to try it again, because it felt good, and I was dumb as fuck, so I asked my little sister (who was at the time 6) if she wanted to pretend to have sex...and- yeah..we would do that stuff 1 or 2 times a year all the way up until I turned 10 since our mom and grandpa caught us, we rarely think or talk about it since it was a long time ago, maybe we're all just fucked in the head I don't know, I just wanted to let this all out because I know if I where to tell anyone irl, they'd 100% think im a weirdo

    Shen Miao 90 August 12, 2023 1:16 am
    confessions, confessions, I also have one, so when I was 7, my cousin who was also 7 (we are both girls) saw this sex scene in a movie, so we were curious and wanted to try it ourselves, so we walked into her r... Yaoi_Freåk

    My girl. You are in no way a weirdo. You were a little kid experimenting her sexuality. It doesn't make it right. But you aren't a weirdo. Maybe a talk about sexual education would suffice, punishing a kid for not knowing better is cruel and scary. I experienced something like that with a little friend when I was little too, and her mom (who caught us doing the same as you did) talked with us about it in a really peaceful approach. Thanks too that I come to learn that was doing my grandpa to me wasn't right and thanks to her I could talk with my mom. But kids aren't weird for doing things they see, what is weird is adults not being approachable for kids to ask away about this "shameful" things they don't understand. Cuz being closed tland angry every time this topic takes place is what leads to those kind of things happening.

    Yaoi_Freåk August 12, 2023 4:23 am
    My girl. You are in no way a weirdo. You were a little kid experimenting her sexuality. It doesn't make it right. But you aren't a weirdo. Maybe a talk about sexual education would suffice, punishing a kid for ... Shen Miao 90

    omg thank you so much for this, I was so scared when I noticed that someone replied to what I said, I thought I was gonna get judged hard hugs and kisses sent to you, your the best

    Blackieberry May 18, 2024 3:33 pm
    confessions, confessions, I also have one, so when I was 7, my cousin who was also 7 (we are both girls) saw this sex scene in a movie, so we were curious and wanted to try it ourselves, so we walked into her r... Yaoi_Freåk

    Children do what they see. Your curiosity arises and makes you dare to do it because you don't know anything about it. Maybe if the adults around us could explain sex education well, there wouldn't be incidents like this happening to children. Basically small children do that because their innocent minds think that it's not a big deal, you actually don't know what you're doing, when in reality it's something that children shouldn't do. When I started to grow up I was also curious about why I was addicted to porn, and when I realized that the first time I knew about porn was because I saw it on my own mother's cell phone (plus my sister had shown porn to me too) that's when I realized that apparently I was also a victim of adult carelessness. Every fucked up things that happens to children must be caused by adults too