My worst fear Is for this manga to end like banana fish

Scheibel June 2, 2021 11:15 am

My worst fear Is for this manga to end like banana fish

    Pepper June 2, 2021 2:48 pm

    Yeah I’ve thought about it too.
    But don’t you think it’d be too parallel to Misumi and Kurobane’s story?
    And after all Doumeki’s effort to stay by Yashiro’s side, it’d be too sad to have an endgame like that.
    I’m aware that this is not a fluffy manga, but I want to believe there’ll be a better ending for them.

    daddylucy June 4, 2021 2:57 pm

    now that i think about it. i might not be able to sleep

    Best_AMV June 19, 2021 12:23 pm

    Why did you mention it now I can't stop thinking about it