
My my, so true, I usually love isekais because they showcase the eventual ML to love the person for their personality, aka beyond the appearance, but the setting here is different.
Usually the FL tries to break off a side character, here instead it's a ML, ant the guy you are super right, changed his mind maaaany time before.
It's just an excuse and although I love the persona of the FL, it's a weird justification and the art changing made me go meh
So all of a sudden we find out, like 30 chapters later, that the ml loved Cayenna once upon a time? When was that supposed to have taken place? Why wasn’t this info part of the chapters that illuminated Cayenna’s relationship with him? This comes strangely out of nowhere. Seems like a last minute attempt to justify the ml suddenly falling all over her. Which is annoying, especially coupled with those chibi-fied drawings of him. Like a child begging for a pet’s attention after he abandoned it, but got pissed that the pet lives well without him. Ugh
It also makes him look like a self absorbed asshole.
So he loved her as a youth, and when she fell in love and showed him her heart openly, he became disgusted with her display of affection. And he fell out of love over her loving him. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
That doesn’t make too much sense, unless he fell in lust with her looks, him admiring her from afar, building up some fantasy of who she is (probably imagined some benevolent ice Queen), and when she started to return his “affection” it shattered his fantasy. It made her human. A person of flesh and blood with emotions of giddy love and lust. It killed the mystery.
I’m sorry but this guy never loved her like she’s a real person. He admired a weird, sexless and untouchable ideal. And as soon as she reciprocated his “love”, it vanished into thin air.
And now he’s all bothered that she’s over him. How she acts now, must be closer to how he imagined her years ago. A benevolent ice Queen, uninterested in him. And that drives his ego nuts and makes him once again lust after her.
So what’s going to happen if she once again starts to reciprocate? If she once again starts looking at him giddy with love/lust? If she once again wants to touch his damn arm? Is he going to turn cold again because he can’t stand her showing normal affection to someone who already claimed to love her? Hell no!
It annoys the hell out of me how he suddenly asks if she doesn’t like him anymore. What kind of egocentric question is this? Did he forget that he treated her like shit when she showed her love openly? And now, after she sincerely promised not to bother him anymore about this (because she accepted that it wouldn’t happen and because it made him uncomfortable), to establish a working partnership to get him what he supposedly wants and her what she feels she can realistically achieve, him asking her like a little kid if she really doesn’t love him anymore is angering in a way.
And it’s a little funny to me how he remembers not liking her touch, but now he’s always trying to grab her gloved hand. Hypocrite much?
Cayenna needs to get the hell out of there. She’s surrounded by emotionally unavailable and damaged guys.