This story sadly was a let down

Sunfluxx June 1, 2021 7:43 pm

I was hoping for at least some answers, you got books that really leave you wondering about certain things but they give some answers to make up your own conclusion. But the ending was just a let down, all the build up for nothing. Personally I was hoping Jun would look for more info and maybe fight back against the seme. *Sigh* whelp....

This doesn’t have any of that, the horror went out the window. If the author wanted to make smut, they should have just done that.

Story 5/10
Art 10/10
Sex 10/10

    Yaoi Hungry June 1, 2021 7:51 pm

    The ending? Did you read the ending? Dont spoil me but it was disappointing? Oh man, I was hoping for the uke to fight back too.

    Ejaculatetoyaoi June 1, 2021 8:11 pm

    Why would he fight against the seme when he’s the one who actually controls the hands

    Water June 1, 2021 8:11 pm

    I bet there is season 2 and the name is the black mirror. The mirror has a soul of its own, it can speak and there is a reason why it is killing people. Jun isn't innocent, he was the one that made the wish. He just forgot his memories, now that he has it they are on the run. Will the mirror follow them everywhere? Do they actually want to be the only one in the world? Will everyone be eaten by the mirror? Will they be normal again?

    Ejaculatetoyaoi June 1, 2021 8:12 pm
    Why would he fight against the seme when he’s the one who actually controls the hands Ejaculatetoyaoi

    I mean the information is truly there if you watch a shit ton of horror films

    Sunfluxx June 1, 2021 8:15 pm
    Why would he fight against the seme when he’s the one who actually controls the hands Ejaculatetoyaoi

    There is no explanation on how the hands truly work the only thing I can infer is that both the seme and uke can control them. Hell there’s no explanation on how the fuck they manifested in the first place, like was it the house? Was it the seme or the uke??


    Sunfluxx June 1, 2021 8:16 pm
    I bet there is season 2 and the name is the black mirror. The mirror has a soul of its own, it can speak and there is a reason why it is killing people. Jun isn't innocent, he was the one that made the wish. He... Water

    It would be great if there is a season 2 but I don’t know how the author gonna do it???

    Ejaculatetoyaoi June 1, 2021 8:20 pm

    those are actually good questions all I know is the hands are triggered by emotions and they manifested due to being abused and locked in with mirrors during their childhood that’s all I know ngl

    Sunfluxx June 1, 2021 8:25 pm
    those are actually good questions all I know is the hands are triggered by emotions and they manifested due to being abused and locked in with mirrors during their childhood that’s all I know ngl Ejaculatetoyaoi

    Exactly, like the sex scenes are A1 but the story was incredibly interesting so I’m very let down....

    sangrientaluna June 1, 2021 8:26 pm
    I bet there is season 2 and the name is the black mirror. The mirror has a soul of its own, it can speak and there is a reason why it is killing people. Jun isn't innocent, he was the one that made the wish. He... Water

    It seems those characters are switched with their mirrorselves after parents died (someone told me about the last chapter) . That kinda explains the opposite differences of Jun and lack of memories after he switched. But it seems at the end of story also the author guy switches. I haven't read it myself though.

    Pacgirl June 1, 2021 8:35 pm


    Yeah I get what you mean.
    I didn’t really expect fight back but I was expecting a bit more scheming and execution of said scheming. Either from the MC or blond dude. Or both, like a team.

    Idk I expected it to go a death note kinda route where the unhinged MC delves more and more into insanity until he just completely goes off. Which I guess stuff did “go off” but it wasn’t as fleshed out as I thought it’d be.
    Oh well, at least I enjoyed the journey to the ending. XD

    Sunfluxx June 1, 2021 8:42 pm
    ......Yeah I get what you mean. I didn’t really expect fight back but I was expecting a bit more scheming and execution of said scheming. Either from the MC or blond dude. Or both, like a team. Idk I expected... Pacgirl

    It would at least be way more satisfying if it went the death note route (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜