Damn, people

AhhhSenpai June 1, 2021 4:35 pm

“Did Sys rape Enoch and Sihav?”

No. Guys, come on. Lol. Of course, he didn’t. Because if he did, I highly doubt Sihav and Enoch would’ve agreed to work for him. He said to them ‘I wish you guys hadn’t passed out so quickly’ because he intended for them to feel every bit of their punishment for attempting to drug and kill him. But, Sys knew, deep down, there was a bit of hope in them that he could relate to, so he wanted to help them. If Enoch and Sihav felt hurt or used by Sys, they would not be with him.

“B-But what he did to Randolph was BAD.”

And what Randolph did to them was bad, by attacking and threatening them so brashly. Sys obviously wanted to show Randolph not to underestimate him or anyone else because he’s strong. When Sys drugged Randolph, he made a deal with him, a deal Randolph agreed to out of pride and one Sys was going to have fun with. And when Randolph won, Sys stopped and gave him the aftercare he needed, then LEFT as per their agreement. Again, afterwards, Randolph acted the exact same way towards Sys, obviously just seeing him as an annoyance but in no way like he felt raped or abused.

Sooo, take it how you want, but Sys isn’t gonna let people think they can fuck with him cause he’s pretty and ‘weak’ in their eyes.

    YeeYee June 1, 2021 5:05 pm

    Couldn’t have said it better myself (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Roseee June 1, 2021 5:46 pm