No don't mind it happens haha ! Aslan father a knight and the friend of Raquiel and Mabelle's mom. He's also being threatened by the emperor and is victim of the same curse. He first appeared in chapter 14. Here for reminder :
no. Wasteland is a big area and Rykell only rule some of the area belongs to the empire (the north). the combat conference is an international tournament so the participants is not limited to the imperial citizens.
There is another kingdom in the wasteland and there is another archmage and princess who was Galatea's best friend.
The convenant binds Heroes and Transcendent/Archmage. the victims are :
Von Kyle <his wife and son as the proof of royalty>. the hero of the empire. he lives more peacefully than his colleagues because he is a master swordsman. the imperial family put more restriction to the mages due the previous rebellion. Kyle family is an old family who helped the first emperor in the establishment of the empire. Von was the former leader of imperial knight but retreated to his domain to avoid the emperor.
Rykell Cyclamen <his wife and daughter as the proof of loyalty>. transcendent of the North and the strongest Archmage in the empire. He rules the Black Forest, Swamp and the Wasteland part of the empire. Rykell came from Cyclamen family, whose the first family head was an archmage raised and trained by the first emperor like her own child.
Galatea <???, she got stuck became a hostage to ensure her husband's loyalty> . Transcendent of the south and the last elf b4 killed. her teritorry (elf garden, a green forest) was destroyed in an experiment.
Raul Crepundia <his nephew is the proof loyalty>. Transcendent of the West and the owner of the big giant marionette groomninar in ep.17. He is a unicorn who rules the western hills and prairie. Raul was Galatea's best friend and Rykell's self proclaimed rival. his race also went extinct thank to the trash. the only unicorn left are him and the nephew.
Margot Paranelly <??? not sure about her proof of loyalty> . Transcendent of the East, ruler of the volcanoes and rocky mountain. She was Galatea's disciple. Margot is currently injured and in the brink of losing her human body so she went into hiding after the previous war (it was implied by black magic). She dislikes Rykell and angry at him for his failure to protect Galatea. She joins Rykell only to protect Maybelle, the last memento of her teacher.
Raul will makes his debut after the tournament, and Margot will help off screen in the end of 2nd season then she'll appear in person at the 3rd season.
Bruh- aslan rlly got groomed to believing his dad was the victim and now somehow the imperial family knows ab the tournament in CYCLAMEN land???? Dumb shit dumb shit