not worth it

lookslikeimgoing4aswim June 1, 2021 10:11 am

whats the plot of this? whats the point? its just everyone insulting the mc and then suddenly liking her. theres no development, the story tries too hard to be “comedic” that you can’t even tell whats the plot anymore. not worth reading imo.

i honestly stayed because i was waiting and hoping for improvement, but by chapter 21 “ml” was practically choking her to death? the people around her are asshoIes, especially the duke and the king. the brothers seem to care about each other and they despise the mc, but then both of them suddenly randomly start to like her out of no where??? after treating her so poorly and making her suffer they like her all of a sudden now?

theres no explanation about what happened with the queen while she was serving her, its just her doing chores in the palace even though they said shes a “servant for the queen” she was just doing household chores for the queen and they never showed the queen again or them interacting. she tried to escape the palace multiple times but still the queen was never shown.

theres no punishment for the red haired lady or the duke’s ex fiancée ,,

the blonde long haired bodyguard doesn’t even care about her, and cares more about the queen’s pet cat ..

the mc is shown to be strong and everything but shes so impulsive and gets herself in danger.. and she blushes with anything REMOTELY nice ANYONE does for her, even though they were ALL major asshoIes to her??
