Once again replying to you here with the same info so everyone here can get the idea as well: First off, the original versions of the chapters I upload now have been out in Chinese for over 5 months. There is a large time gap between the translation and the raws, which thankfully ensures the original author has gotten their due compensation for these particular chapters in the original language earlier. Second, the English versions of the chapters on the app which are posted here are locked behind a paywall on their initial drop date for /TWO WEEKS/. Keep that time frame in mind. At that time, they are only accessible by actual purchase with money. Why? To ensure the author gets their earnings from the translated version, as you’ve angrily stormed in here to tell me, assuming for whatever reason I didn’t have that in mind myself. Once the two-week paywall is up, the app then makes the chapters accessible by Shells, which surprise, surprise—are for free. And only then do I obtain the said chapters. The fact that you clearly haven’t seen the update system for this particular title on it’s app, yet you have the nerve to accuse me of being disrespectful when I have already mentioned before under the story myself that other users need to stop uploading the paywall chapters the day they come out so as to give time for the app to process the payments and make sure everyone involved gets their due share, and instead wait for two weeks so I can upload the chapter appropriately.

Again replying to clear up, First off, no need to get aggressive, I wasn’t accusing you or anything, I just made a request and hence I said please and not straight up ‘don’t upload it’ so you could have said the same thing without sounding so condescending. If I was wrong you could have just said so, and even if it is by using free shells the author still gets views there, so I don’t think it would hurt to wait for 2 more days even after. But again it’s up to you. Thanks.
Please don’t upload on the same day the chapter is released. Give the author 2-3 days for their earnings. It’s very disrespectful for the author. Thank you.