ok i now this is kinda off topic but hear me out

Soup June 1, 2021 12:44 am

you guys remember that main character spirit looking person that spoke to yuri about being the main character?
considering how its plans are falling to ruin due to melissa, i noted something. when melissa was out buying a gun for Alex at Eric’s place, there was an evident improvement in relationship and respect shown in that chapter.
that spirit is well aware of the fact that things are supposed to follow a storyline, but as of now there is a mutual respect being built between melissa and relationships with yuri destroyed.
this may be my biggest fear yet, what if the spirit changes hosts from yuri to melissa? melissa is the main character here after all even with nine as the male lead.
however, you gotta remember this is a world of a novel and that there are elements in this world that haven’t been revealed to us yet. this spirit that binds yuri in her endless cycle as a protagonist no doubt will appear again, so this is what i think may happen (i will, undoubtedly, scream very loud if it does)
