I don’t care if ur opinions r different from mine so don’t argue w me cuz it’s just annoying… but honestly the secretary guy deserves better… he was abused by the kids dad and forced to take care of the kid like honestly if the little brat was in the secretary’s position I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have been able to handle it so the secretary deserves so much better and actual freedom as in being released from that toxic family who only knows how to use him and never recognizes his worth… I wish the secretary guy could just leave and find a place/family that would help him heal his old wounds
I agree like isn't the secretary treating him better than the way he was treated just because the kid's dad wants him to he no.1 and the punishment isn't even physical/mental? unlike his punishment getting beaten up by a metal bat and saying bad things for not accomplishing the kid's dad's wants
I agree like isn't the secretary treating him better than the way he was treated just because the kid's dad wants him to he no.1 and the punishment isn't even physical/mental? unlike his punishment getting beat... GakuEN
I mean I don't understand the raws but I'm sure there's no mental punishment included whenever they go to that room
I don’t care if ur opinions r different from mine so don’t argue w me cuz it’s just annoying… but honestly the secretary guy deserves better… he was abused by the kids dad and forced to take care of the kid like honestly if the little brat was in the secretary’s position I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have been able to handle it so the secretary deserves so much better and actual freedom as in being released from that toxic family who only knows how to use him and never recognizes his worth… I wish the secretary guy could just leave and find a place/family that would help him heal his old wounds