thank you for this, i was getting tired with these hoes only reading it for the smut and not knowing any character aside from the MCs then complain and tear down sooyoung whole character not really looking deep into what made him who he is and why isn't he as stubborn as before, that's the problem with bl readers they don't give a fuck about the story that's why it's rare to see a bl with good plot like this but the readers keep shitting on it bc it's not their typical bl

I say my opinion, and I do not agree at all with your words. Soo Young is totally tamed, worse than a dog, he decides? What? Everything that the boy does on his own is totally manipulated by Tae, and you always forget to remember that he had him stabbed, the uncle, we don’t know it well, it is said it was an accident, but the point is that he did not tell him, She looked him in the face and said I don’t know him..

And then you say that there is free will, but then you admit that Tae is a manipulative bastard, then there is or there is no free will? He will only be there when the boy knows what really happened to him when he was stabbed, his uncle, and Tae Seung will show up for who he really is. Until that moment, for him he remains, one who is obsessed pathologically by the boy, almost as a shelter. Save the boxer and just
To anyone who keeps saying Sooyoung has becoming a mindless, boring fuck toy -- are we reading the same story? Or maybe y'all are just skimming through it for the sex scenes. Because in my eyes Sooyoung still has total free will to do whatever he wants, and he's actively using it. From the beginning he's flexed his rebellious and strong-willed personality by 1) telling Taeseung he'd rather work than sell his body (this is before feelings were involved) 2) becoming a bodyguard when Taeseung told him he didn't have to work at all 3) choosing to fight back against Kang Il when he was already knocked down (and getting stabbed in the process) 4) snooping around TS's office and choosing to pursue the missing person on his own (SPOILERS) 5) choosing to meet up with Donghyun and go to the construction site knowing it could be dangerous. And during sex he has that mindless, ahegao look because he's having SEX -- outside of sex he's his normal self and isn't some kind of himbo sex-addict with a ball and chain locked up in TS's apartment.
And for people who are positioning the rough TS/SY sex as rape -- knowing how physically strong SY is and how he fought back against Taeseung (in the beginning), Jisung, bodyguards, and Kang Il (dude was a BOXER remember?) has it ever occured to y'all that if he really did hate the sex and want it to stop he would've physically retaliated like he did with Jisung in the beginning of the story? There's clearly a difference between SY's spoken dialogue and his actual thoughts when they have sex and the latter implies that SY is a closet masochist who's too stubborn to admit that he enjoys the rough sex. You can see he's never once tried to push TS away when they're fucking. And yeah their aftercare is lacking and a safeword would be great to have but they're not that kind of couple who will clearly lay ground rules like that -- their communication needs a LOT of work for sure...I mean look how stubborn SY was just trying to admit to TS that he was jealous of Yawon. Now I'm not saying TS is a saint nor am I trying to defend him -- he's a manipulative bastard and unhealthily possessive, but I'm tired of seeing people misconstrue Sooyoung's personality and think that he's some delicate flower child that isn't equipped to be with someone like TS. Sure he can ditch TS and be single, but this is BL and TS is still positioned to be his endgame (unless it ends in tragedy).
Lastly regarding the situation with the uncle, I feel like there's more backstory we haven't seen yet that will reveal WHY Taeseung has been lying about not knowing him, considering TS and SY supposedly knew each other in high school (maybe TS remembers and SY forgot). If TS did kill SY's uncle then WHY? Was the uncle actually a piece of shit that did shady things behind SY's back? Did TS mistaken the uncle as SY's father when he went to collect his debt? Or was it ultimately an accident and the uncle was caught in the crossfire of something? There's just a lot of judgment calls happening when we don't understand the full picture yet...