they have a kid! they have a fucking kid! ! dont fucking have a kid if you are not going t...

mickie June 22, 2016 5:59 pm

they have a kid! they have a fucking kid!
! dont fucking have a kid if you are not going to take care of them!!!! wtf

    kyaaa June 22, 2016 6:30 pm

    having a kid doesn't mean being unhappy with someone you don't love

    fanny June 22, 2016 7:47 pm
    having a kid doesn't mean being unhappy with someone you don't love kyaaa

    yes but having a kid meen responsability for a kid a divorce is a big trauma so if you decide to have a kid with someone chose very well and in that case those parent are totally irresponsible because they privilegiate their happiness other the appiness of their lover and their kid ! they probably married with the idea that having a lover and a kid was happiness so for me the two caracter are egoistical, irresponsable, easily manipulated by media , and totally recklessness

    kyaaa June 22, 2016 8:07 pm
    yes but having a kid meen responsability for a kid a divorce is a big trauma so if you decide to have a kid with someone chose very well and in that case those parent are totally irresponsible because they priv... fanny

    i agreee about the divorce but they were married for 8 years so it's not irresponsible and not reckless
    i agree about the apart that they privilegiate their happiness the others

    After it's useless if they stay married and are it's even worse for the kid especially if they argue in front of him so it's better to divorce

    lylyneo June 22, 2016 8:08 pm
    yes but having a kid meen responsability for a kid a divorce is a big trauma so if you decide to have a kid with someone chose very well and in that case those parent are totally irresponsible because they priv... fanny

    Wow i guess you are not a child from divorced parents. My father left my mom because after years of marriage, he didn't love her anymore. It was harsh, I was 10 then, my sis 7, but it all toughen us up. Now my sis and I are fine happy women, my father is happy as well, because he didnt have to lie his whole life. My mom found her way of happiness too. I would rather have my parents happy than seeing them coping with each other just to keep this stupid happy and united family image. Of course you should be egoist. You only live once... It's not being irresponsible. Divorce doesnt mean the love you felt then wasnt true. When my parents got us, they truly loved each other and we were wanted. It's just that people change... Maybe those two characters lived hell of a love story before everything went wrong. Let's wait and see :)

    kyaaa June 22, 2016 8:12 pm
    Wow i guess you are not a child from divorced parents. My father left my mom because after years of marriage, he didn't love her anymore. It was harsh, I was 10 then, my sis 7, but it all toughen us up. Now my ... lylyneo

    i totally agree

    fanny June 22, 2016 8:37 pm
    i totally agree kyaaa

    well no I'm not child from divorsed parents I didn't have the chance to see my parents getting married so I don't know what it feel like and I don't say divorse it bad it's juste the two caracter are really detestable and I think even if they divorse they will probably not take a good care of their child and I still think that divorse is a chock for a child maybe you are good with it but you are not a generality their are so many case it's different for everyone but I just regret the way society influence people to think getting married and having child is happiness okay is it but it's a loot of responsablity it's not simple like a moovie how many couple getting married young and getting divorsed early because they didn't considerate the reality of the thing being parent is not something innate
    to tell the truth I never see what we can call a happy family a friend of mine attempted suicide because of the divorce of her parents an other one have parent who alway argue even when other people are there
    well life is not simple ...

    mickie June 22, 2016 9:32 pm
    having a kid doesn't mean being unhappy with someone you don't love kyaaa

    Sorry that's not what I meant lol.
    I'm not talking about if they love each other or the divorce but I'm talking about the fact that they have a kid and they went back in time and with the intention not getting married. Like what the fuck, you're just going to erase the existence of their kid?? It's mostly not going to be like that but I hate when they just put a kid in a manga with no intention of making them important to the parent?? Just don't put a kid. Also divorce impact children in different ways, divorced parents can still love their kids and get like equal custody and that still allow the children to happy but sometimes it doesn't work that way. Literally having kids are the biggest responsibility to have. Divorce is not easy but it isn't wrong because people change but if couple have kids, their first responsibility is to let the kids know. Make them know that you still love them. Sorry for the rant I have a lot of feeling for children.

    fanny June 22, 2016 9:35 pm
    Sorry that's not what I meant lol.I'm not talking about if they love each other or the divorce but I'm talking about the fact that they have a kid and they went back in time and with the intention not getting m... mickie

    I agree

    kyaaa June 23, 2016 1:43 am
    Sorry that's not what I meant lol.I'm not talking about if they love each other or the divorce but I'm talking about the fact that they have a kid and they went back in time and with the intention not getting m... mickie

    sorry i misunderstood yeah i agree with the fact that they just erased the existence of the kid, that's a bad thing, regretting having a kid is awful

    Momo June 23, 2016 7:38 pm
    sorry i misunderstood yeah i agree with the fact that they just erased the existence of the kid, that's a bad thing, regretting having a kid is awful kyaaa

    Except they didnt turn back time on their own, niether did they mention regreting anything about the kid, just the fact that they got married to someone who they hate with a passion.

    Its more of the whole "be carefull what you wish for" thing.

    Anonymous June 25, 2016 6:05 am
    Except they didnt turn back time on their own, niether did they mention regreting anything about the kid, just the fact that they got married to someone who they hate with a passion.Its more of the whole "be ca... @Momo

    They can just do the deed to let the kid be born then go their separate ways... LOL, just kidding. We all know they WILL end up together again, right? This is how all these stories turn out.

    JayTheBirdFlyZ July 25, 2016 8:33 am
    well no I'm not child from divorsed parents I didn't have the chance to see my parents getting married so I don't know what it feel like and I don't say divorse it bad it's juste the two caracter are really det... fanny

    Okay, firstly, I would just like to say: What is up with your English, yo?!!?. It took me 3 tries to finally understand some of your sentences. If you aren't a native English speaker, I understand, but if not, you have no excuses! If you're a little kid, you shouldn't even be reading this sort of Manhua!
    Anyway, thats not important.
    I'm a child from a divorced family, and I can say: Yes. I've had a lot of shitty experiences, and it sucked. I was very unhappy due to a lot of circumstances, forced onto me because of the divorce.
    that being said, I believe life would have spiralled into something much worse, had my parents decided to stay together, in the long run.
    on the outside, a divorce may seem like a bad thing, but you must take into consideration, the happiness of your parents as well. You can't live your whole life thinking about the well being of another. Humans are naturally self driven.
    Also, I think the reason they created a child in the story was just to add a more "serious" edge to the story.
    besides, it's hilarious to debate the ethics of such a ridiculously improbable situation, so I don't think we need to be diving so deep in the matter.